Guess That Chick

May 27, 2022
First time raising chicks. My friend hatched 2 chicks with her class and offered them to us, knowing I’ve been interested for years. Then, because I was afraid one would be a rooster (we’re not allowed roosters) and I didn’t want a lonely house chicken, we went and got 4 more from someone selling chicks. So here we are with 6 cuties and I’m anxiously awaiting the day when we find out which get to stay and which go. Also, I have no idea which breed any of them are. Maybe they’re all mixes, but hopefully not all cockerels. Lol. So, who wants to play guess that chick? Guess the breed/mix or gender or both! (Just for fun of course) They are 5 days apart in age but the 2 older ones seem to be developing way faster than the others, even adjusting for the age difference.

1) 17 days old. black with some white patterning and a white head. The largest and tries to fly around the brooder, sometimes straight at me when I’m holding a different chick.
2) 17 days old. the second largest but not as assertive with the other chicks. Very friendly and will walk onto our hand sometimes.
3) 14 days. The white one has what look like they may become feathers on its legs. Also fairly friendly sometimes.
4)14 days. all gray, not many wing or tail feathers formed. Won’t come near us and actually prefers to stay hidden/sheltered unless coming out for a drink or some food.
5)14 days. A little black one with mostly black legs and feet. Some wing feathers and tail feathers. Also stays away as much as possible but comes out more than the gray one.
6)14 days. The little brown one is one of the smallest. assertive to the other chicks and has the fewest feathers. It does like to come over and say hi but not be picked up yet.

I think my pics may have posted a little out of order. Sorry, I’m new at this😅


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Playing the breed guessing game will be way less reliable than if you ask the friend what breeds she has and also the place where you got the 4 others. Nice job of Chicken Math with that, haha!!! I feel like I see maybe Easter Egger, maybe CLB, maybe Ca. White, maybe BO. Maybe Olive Egger and the white spot on head means maybe cockerel. Way to much maybe so if you really want to at least narrow it down, just reach back to where you got them for best odds. Looks like a great start and I hope you have a blast!!
I know it’s way too early. Just posted to see if anyone had any guesses for fun. I hate waiting for anything so I thought it would be a fun time passer. 😆
Thank you! Lol. I know it’s too early, just posting for fun! My friend who hatched the eggs was given them (not sure by who) so she has no idea what they are either. The other chicks came from Craigslist. And the chicken math sure got me! I said before we went that we were only getting 2. Then on the way there, I thought maybe 3. Then when we got there, my husband picked a fourth one up and snuck it in the box! And here we are. No more though because then we have to move! 😅 the man said there was an ee and an oe I. There. Whatever they are, they’re cuties.
Can you post a pic of their combs now, please? They are very cute whatever breeds they are..
Can you post a pic of their combs now, please? They are very cute whatever breeds they are..

Hi! I made another post this week called “any pullets in the bunch?” but here are the best pics I have of their combs this week. In a couple more weeks I guess we’ll know for sure but I love hearing what more experienced people think in the meantime


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