Guess what? CHICKEN BUTT!! Show us your tail-feathers! (Your CHICKEN'S tail-feathers, that is)


6 m/o pullet butt

4 m/o cockeral butt

Lots of Silkie butts! :)
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Thought this thread needed going again...nothing cuter than a fluffy butt! Show us your fluffy butts.
My buff orpington rooster, Buffy with his feline flock, Henry and Dodge. These 3 were best of friends until Buffy reached sexual maturity. Then, things got awkward. They all stayed friends but they aren't as close now. Henry and Dodge still watch over my flock.


I have looked all over the internet and can't seem to find any tails that look like this. She(?) is about a 7 week old Easter Egger. Can anyone help me out whether this is a Pullet or Cockerel?

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