Guess what? CHICKEN BUTT!! Show us your tail-feathers! (Your CHICKEN'S tail-feathers, that is)

Here is one taken last night near the door of their shed. Their old water was dumped there and not they are busy digging in the mud. The two on the left are Rhode Island Reds and are called the Henrietta's. The other is a golden sexlink named Carlena. I don't know how their legs got crossed. :0

this is Solo. i was trying to get nice full body pic's of him, but he decided he was done posing for the paparazzi.

this is Banty Boy, having a scratch in the grass before his photo shoot.
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Thank you all for the fabulous submissions. I have been absolutely HYSTERICAL looking at all your pictures!
The contest was set to end September 30th, but I hate to end it because then I won't get anymore pictures. Boo-Hoo! It will also be impossible to judge! Help!
oh heck, if you just let it run for say....... another 8 months we can all watch the cool fluffy butts!!!!! wont have to judge and just enjoy them!!!!

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