guess what I caught

That's what we call a WV kitty cat
This little guy crawled into our live trap last night. I had cut a hole in the wire of the chicken coop big enough to fit the trap through and only allow the mouth of the trap to stick through. Last night was the first night I didnt use any bait, and hadnt planned on setting the trap because I had move all the chickens into our rabbit hutches for the night. But my kids went ahead and set it. THis morning I went out and there he was. He is a little guy and mostly wanted to play dead and he slept most of the day in the trap. I really wasn't sure as to how I was going to deal with him. I didnt want to shoot him while he was in the cage, and I didnt5 want to get close enough to the trap to open the door to let him out to shoot him either.... I took the picture using the zoom button. I began to wonder if he even sprayed, and began think he was to immature to have that ability. So out of curiosity I got a very very long stick and started poking him through the wires. After much torment he finally let go and sprayed. Surpisingly they can't spray very far. You would literally have to be on top of him. After he ran out of ammo he simply rolled over and pretended to be dead again. He is still sitting out there. My husband can deal with the little stinker when he gets home. I just know if I get to close I will have to cut my own leg off to get rid of all the stink. I have had dogs get sprayed and I am sorry you can use all the tomateo paste, sauce, and juice in the world. The only thing it does is dilute it a little bit, not get rid of it.
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Hubby home,an dhe is also chicken so I have called my big brother. He says he is coming over first thing in the morning. "( I hope)
Well my brother came over last night and got rid of him. Hopefully he was a loner and doesnt have a lot of relatives that will be coming up here as well . I have had my skunk fix for a life time.
You are more than welcome to skin him if you want pegbo. And I will even mail him to you. I would need more than ten bucks to touch that stinky thing agian.
OK, so how DID he deal with it? WE ARE HAVING A HORRIBLE SKUNK PROBLEM! My son found two today actually lying under the nest boxes. If you shoot them, will they spray again? Or was he actually able to relocate it without getting sprayed?

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