Guessing game baby chicks 4 breeds

Kimi BK

Oct 4, 2020
New Mexico, USA
We had some visitors bring us a gift of 8 baby chicks to add to our flock, looks like 4 different breeds. :confused: They got them at tractor supply where they were told they are all female (but also said the worker picked them out by wing shape, so I guess we'll see in several weeks! Oh well, a gift for the laying coop or a gift for the soup pot; we aren't too worried about their genders!) The clerk also told them that they are all Americaunas, but we think not because their legs are mostly yellow (if we remember right, our easter eggers had greenish legs from the beginning; we had an Americauna and I don't remember if she started out with green legs but her adult legs were VERY green).

Wonder if any of you would like to join our guessing game?

Breed One looks like our silver wyandottes did when they were days old. Yellow beak, yellow feet, mostly grey & white, crown hinting at bronze, chipmunk markings on back (sorry, not obvious in these pics), interesting face. We like our SLWs. Pretty and sweet.

Breed Two is a textbook "chick" -- little yellow puffball. I am assuming some buff or white chicken, but have no idea how to distinguish the yellow-chick-breeds. Yellow beak, yellowish/pinkish feet, dark eyes. Any thoughts?
y3.jpg y2.jpg y1.jpg

Breed Three looked to me like they could be Rhode Island Reds after looking at this guide and this one. (They actually both use the same RIR photo). Except that in the online photos, the birds had a dark spot behind their eyes, and ours didn't. Until I saw my photos, and saw that it does look like a dark spot in some of the photos! They have a buff chest and belly, red head and back, and are getting markings in their wings. They have pinkish feet and a yellow beak with a red tip, and dark eyes. We haven't had RIRs before, but would appreciate the egg-laying prowress!
rir3.jpg rir2.jpg rir1.jpg

Breed Four is black and white, with an interesting face. They have black heads with white in the crown and at the throat, then grey chest, and white bumbelly. Their wing feathers are coming in, white on the outside edge, and the other feathers black tipped with white. Their feet are yellow, but is that a hint of black on their shins? I wonder if they are Barred Plymouth Rocks. We had one once, which we got in 2008 and named Barrock. Nice bird! We wouldn't mind having a couple of those!
black4.jpg black3.jpg black1.jpg

I am curious to hear what you think, and especially what you see in the photos that helped you determine!


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