Guidance on Rooster Collar? Quieting roo?


7 Years
Feb 23, 2013
Magnolia, TX
Hiya! I have a persnickety neighbor who has complained about my sweet, amazing rooster. (The nerve!) We live on tree-lined 2 acre lots that allow livestock, but he is allegedly "annoyed". And "annoying animals" are not allowed. (oh, don't get me started....) So. I've been asked to rehome Red Butler the Roo, but that is just not going to happen. I bought the No Crow Rooster Collar and have been putting him inside a small coop at night to cut down on noise. The collar seems to have significantly decreased the frequency of his crowing, but not so much the volume. I've adjusted and fiddled with it the last three days and I"m nervous to make it too tight. Can anyone offer any guidance on the fitting?

Any info is greatly appreciated by myself and my boy! (and my dh who is tired of helping me catch the rooster in the middle of the night and fiddle with this thing)
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