Guide in Book Form??


In the Brooder
Sep 15, 2015
Temecula, CA
I'm not very "techno" or whatever so I'd really appreciate some sort of book to read about everything but I don't know where to start. Are there any overall chicken books thar I might be able to read rather than confusing myself with all these forums??
Hi there! There are three books I recommend to every person considering getting into chickens. They are:

- Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens. This will teach you all the basics and a bit beyond.

- Storey's Illustrated Guide to Poultry Breeds. This goes along as a great reference guide when reading the "choosing a breed" chapter of Raising Chickens.

- The Chicken Health Handbook. This one can be purchased once you get the birds. Hope you never need it, but skim it over once just in case and keep it handy if you ever have to look anything up.
I'd suggest getting several books from your library, hopefully you have a state wide, or county wide inter-library loan and can get almost any book.
Ask your librarian, then you don't have to pay for books that only tell parts of the story and/or have incomplete information.

There are so many different ways to keep chickens depending on an individuals situation, that one or two books will not cover it all.
I've found most books to be lacking, some more than others, that I only bought Damerows The Chicken Health Handbook.
Story's Guide to Raising Chickens is pretty good too.

Read here too, lots of ideas you won't find in any book, and learn to use the advanced search function here as it can save a lot of time.

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