Guinea Advice

Oh Dear,

I am sorry I have not seen this earlier. I have not been on the computer and three days have passed since you posted your Help, did any of your darling keets survive?

Where have you got them?

Have they got a mum?

How many eggs?

I lost two after birth, and I put it down to they were weak and I should have moved them away from their foster mum, so what I did was I had a small box with a heat pack under it, a hot water bottle would do the trick too, but I placed the warmth under the box and then if I was fortunate to be around when they hatched I just put them in the box for an hour or so until they got dry and some strength. I wasn't around for all the hatching, and the ones I didn't get to move did good, but I think moving helped with the few that I managed to get....I read somewhere that it was ok to remove them after birth and then put them back later on in the day, so I just shortened this version and also a BYC member also suggested similar.

Anyway as I said I am possibly to late in helping you and I am not even sure if I could have helped :( but I am interested in knowing how you went and if any managed to survive, I hope some did.

Please give me an update and sorry that I hadn't been on line for a few days...
I have been wanting some guineas, however, my neighbors have a flock of about twenty. Will my guineas join theres?

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