Guinea fowl laying


Feb 21, 2015
Valley WA
When do guineas start laying and setting eggs??? how many babys can one female have in a year. does she only set once or multiple times. All my girls are over a year and a half old. help me out please.

P.S. Just in case my girls dont have baby's does anybody know were i can get them for less than 5$
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! I don't have experience of keeping guinea fowl so can't be of much help to you. I would post your question over in the guinea section of the forum. Here is the link The guinea experts there should be able to help you.

Wishing you the best of luck and enjoy BYC :frow
Welcome to BYC.
I'm glad you joined our community!

Sorry, I don't have any experience with Guinea Fowl, either. I would definitely post in the section that Yorkshire Coop linked to.
The people there should be able to help.
I'm glad you joined our "flock!"

Unfortunately, I don't know much about Guinea fowl, either. Hopefully, members in the Guinea section can help.
My biggest problem with guinea hens and how many eggs question is mine free range. They only laid eggs in the coop when they first started. After that, their favorite places were just in a bunch of weeds. Inevitably, my dog would figure out where they were and would get the eggs before me. You should start seeing eggs in the next few weeks. Most common to have a community nest were all the hens lay in one spot. Last summer I had 2 hens sit on 45 eggs and the eggs were clearly from all 5 hens. I had 2 more large clutches of eggs over the summer and tool the eggs away from them and hatched the eggs in an incubator. I than gave the keets to a broody cochin and RO hen. The guineas were good mommas but I couldn't let them sit where the eggs were.
This is pretty much how I would find the stash.
guineafowls.....breeding time of guineafowls usually coincide with heavy rainfall. most guinea-hens start laying eggs around 8.5 to 1 year old...although other folk may say 4 months..our guineas begined their laying process when they were (1year) and (5months).the females are not good mothers most keets will die especially if the is no male. ( a male play a vital role in helping to raise keets while the female recover the time she was setting) a guine hen usaully raise 1 to 2 clutches a year ( but others 1 ) guineas who lay clutches of 2 to 5 are hens that are not let to raise their they keep laying the hole season.

"best wishes"
I bought 6 guineas 2 years ago. 4 were killed fairly quickly & I have a male & female left. Last year she laid lots if eggs. I tried twice to incubate & none hatched (but they were fertile, I just failed the process) she went broody twice, but abandoned her eggs a week or so before they hatched both times. Now I have a broody hen (chicken). My Guineas were pretty rough with my chickens. So they are separated now. My question is, if my chicken hatches the guineas eggs, will the guineas accept them into the flock once they're big enough to go out with them?
If they are free range then they have probably laid their eggs in a hedge or long grass. You sort of just have to look for the eggs.

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