guinea fowl lethargic and cant make any noise

I've seen some greenish/yellow poop but I thought it could be from the antibiotics but maybe not?
I just mixed up a fresh batch of antibiotics today so it's fresh. We'll try to get a little deeper in his throat in the morning. We only have one other guinea and he seems to feel fine.
just went over the posts and missed before the 'green' poop...
do as Peeps says...worm both of them may not be gape worms
but seems like worms for sure. I would continue the antibiotics but
would worm them both as soon as you can. Wouldn't even try swabbing
his throat again for worms...if you think the swabbing before 'helped' him
feel better in some way then do it, otherwise just get both your guineas
wormed. They can get worms sometimes from eating earthworms so
that is another reason to practice worming your guineas.

hope you are reading this this morning about ready to tell us that he is
a bit better...I hope so anyway.

it's been 5-6 days now so don't put off the worming any longer.
PeepsCA really knows guineas....this is my 3rd year with the clown face
guys but enjoy them and learn daily from and about them.

let us know...
Going to get some wazine17 (sp?). That's all our local store has. I don't want to get too excited but he's actually eating and moving around a little more so hoping the de-wormer fixes him up. They really are more like pets now than just yard birds to eat ticks, lol. Will keep y'all posted, thanks for all the info/help!
Got the dewormer and also a syringe to force feed him some water. Got a good look at him while we were forcing him to drink. He's really skinny and has poo stuck all to his feathers underneath. We cut off what we could and forced him to drink a whole syringe full of treated water. He's drank some on his own and eat a little. Let's hope the new medicine works.
Unfortunately, Wazine will only kill round worms and is not a broad spectrum wormer, therefore it's not going to take care of Gape worms (if he has them) or any other types of worms either... you'll need to get Safeguard liquid for Goats, or Valbazen liquid (both are used off label for poultry). You can google them and find the dosages, or use the BYC search option here.
Unfortunately I don't have much more cash to spend on these meds. Our neighbors I'm hoping will have some dewormer they use for their other animals that I can borrow. Keeping my fingers crossed.
I'll see if I can get something else today. I live in NC, about an hour outside of Raleigh. The store I go to probably didn't know anything about using the other de-wormers, but it's all we have.

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