guinea fowl lethargic and cant make any noise

Oh, and he's still about the same. He'll get up and walk around and eat a bit then just kinda plop back down like he's used all his energy.
Glad to hear he is still doing "ok" anyway...

as you saw from my avatar, I am just above you
in Virginia,about 10 miles from NC border and Mt.Airy....

hang in there...
The only safeguard dewormer I can find is in pellets and I don't think he's eating enough for that to do him any good,, so I guess we're just going to have to hope the wazine17 takes care of the problem. Or has anyone ever crushed up the pellets and mixed with water?
Thanks critters. I don't want to jinx him but he seems to have more energy today and he's been eating and drinking more. He's still not himself and still not cackling any,, never thought we'd miss that sound but strangely we do, lol. The other guinea hasn't seemed to "catch" whatever it is so I'm starting to wonder if he could have hurt his neck somehow? I've seen run head on into the side of the coop chasing each other and I read another thread where peepsCA told someone that could be a possibility. Thanks for checking.
Thanks critters. I don't want to jinx him but he seems to have more energy today and he's been eating and drinking more. He's still not himself and still not cackling any,, never thought we'd miss that sound but strangely we do, lol. The other guinea hasn't seemed to "catch" whatever it is so I'm starting to wonder if he could have hurt his neck somehow? I've seen run head on into the side of the coop chasing each other and I read another thread where peepsCA told someone that could be a possibility. Thanks for checking.
Um... injuring their neck from being chased is always a possibility when it comes to Guineas since they get so out of control while on the run, but I don't recall ever telling anyone their bird wasn't able to vocalize because of a neck injury,
Still don't want to jinx his recovery but he's eating and drinking like normal and walking a lot more. Seems to have a lot more energy. Even fighting some with his buddy like ole times. Let's hope he keeps getting better. He's still not cackling any though, just a screech ever so often. And oh yeah, PeepsCA, my bad, you didn't say anything about the vocalizing, just that the guinea could have hurt its head in or on the coop which made me think ours could've hurt his neck running into the chicken wire. I've seen them hit it pretty hard.
Thanks for all y'alls help.
Gave him an antibiotic first then the wazine. Still not sure which helped him but he seems to be feeling better. He's definitely eating normal again.

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