Guinea Fowl Need New Home - New Hampshire


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jan 12, 2013
Central New Hampshire
I have seven guinea fowl (mixed male/female and colors: white, lavender, pearl) that I raised from keets last summer. I love the crazy birds, but despite our large acreage they insist on ranging to the neighboring housing development. We tried fencing, but they fly over. Thought about clipping their wings, but they are nearly impossible to catch and I have watched them walk right down the driveway and cross the road, so they will still range if they can't fly. They roost at night with the chickens, but keeping them penned with the clucks defeats the tick-control purpose. Now our neighbors are complaining bitterly about the guineas making noise and eating all their songbird feed. Sadly, my crazy birds have to go.

I'm hopeful that someone local will have the space and heart to take them. They are skittish, but they all do come in to roost in the barn so capture at night would be fairly easy. If they don't find a good home I fear the neighbor's threats to shoot them will come to pass.

We are in south-central NH, near Concord.
Hi, We had the same issue with our guineas. I got mine as adults, kept them confined for a month, let them loose and off they went to live far away! My neighbor actually trapped one with a havaheart trap, brought it back to us. At this point I put her back in the pen and the dominant male called everyone else back to my property. They have stayed put since. I essentially chicken tractor the confined guineas ( I added another for companionship) and let the others do their tick hunting. I also give mine pellets in the evening and cracked corn, along with some millet to keep them happy.
I would love to take them.. lost my female guinea to a car and have one lonely male looking for love once again.. also I have 12 hens so they would have a good home here in lempster, nh. please respond if still available. thanks, carol nelson. 603 863 1590
Hi there,
Sorry about your guinea hen plight. We'll take 'em all. Loving home here. We won't eat them. Do you have a price in mind? You will have visiting rights if they wind up here. Please call 603 525-4110. Sean and Kim.
Hi there,
Sorry about your guinea hen plight.  We'll take 'em all.  Loving home here.  We won't eat them.  Do you have a price in mind?  You will have visiting rights if they wind  up here.   Please call 603 525-4110.  Sean and Kim.
I no longer have them thank you very much though!!
Hi Fellow Guinea Fowl Friend,

I may be the right person to help adopt your Guinea Fowls. I live in Bow, so the drive would be short. Couple of questions.

How many Guineas do you have?

How old are they?

I have an empty coop as I lost my last guinea in July. My dog has become a great watch dog by chasing off the foxes.

I know the move will be a challenge. Please provide any additional information.

Thank you,

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