I have two keets that are the same age as the rest of this years flock. They blend in nicely and go where the chickens go. This is my first time owning guineas, so I didn't want to get too many at first. But I have to say that they seem contect with their new buddies. Here is a pic of one of the keets with 3 other breeds of chicks.
I think you'll find that the Guineas are great "watchdogs" for your flock. They sound the alarm and make a lot of noise when they see anything out of the ordinary. Mine go crazy if there are predators, new animals, and even other people who they don't know! It looks like the keet in your picture is a pearl gray....I love the color of their feathers! I Have 2 pearl gray, 2 buff dundottes, 1 pied, and 2 porcelains.
guineapeeps, I think my two little keets are pearl grey also. I also think they may both be girls. I would love to see a picture the different colored guineas that you have. Would it be possible for you take one?
Here are some pictures of my guinea flock. The first pic is of my whole flock....right now I have 2 males and 5 females. I had a hard time getting pictures of the whole flock up close...Its windy here today and they are very flighty!

This is my pied male, a buff dundotte hen, and 2 pearl gray hens. The buff colored one in the center is a dirty tan color with white spots. Her feathers are really pretty up close, but from a distance, it just looks like someone dipped her in dirt!

The pied male and pearl gray (again) and a porcelain/very light lavender? She is an icy blue color with white spots and I'm not sure what color she would technically be classified as. She hatched last year and was a product of a white male and either a buff or pearl gray female (they nested in the same box at the same time and hatched the keets themselves, so not sure who the mother was). Sadly, I lost my white male guinea to predators this last fall. He was such a docile, easy going guy!

This is my buff dundotte and pearl gray girls. The pearl gray, named Pip, broke her foot when she was young so she walks on the whole lower part of her leg (not sure how she did it ....i just found her like that). She is used to being handled and is very tame as the result of her injury She finally gets around fine with all the others, but it took her awhile to get the hang of walking like that (She reminds me of those old school wooden duck push toys with the rubber feet that flaps and waddles when it walks!).
Question! Because of a complaining neighbor, I had to remove my 2 males. Are they similar to chickens in the fact that the eggs will continue to be fertilized? And for how long? I know chickens can stay fertile for about 1 month. I have 4 hens, and wanted to incubate. Anyone know?!
I have heard that Guinea eggs can be fertile up to 3 to 4 weeks after mating/once the male is removed, but I've not had actual experience with this. Has anyone heard anything different?
Yes, the hens will lay eggs, often sharing a nest and come and go until they turn "broody," then one will sit on them non stop for about 30 days. My hens waited over a month. By then they had over 30 eggs. I am choosing to let nature take it's course with them. I was fortunate they adopted the nesting boxes I put in the stall "coop," so they are safe there. I often hear of them laying in the woods and never returning due to a predator... Good luck! I am not the expert, by any means!!! Denise
I am new to pouty and will be ordering some golden and silver laced wyandottes soon but I am considering possibly getting a few guinea fowl as well does anyone have any suggestions as far as which variety of guinea fowl would be best?

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