Guinea Hens and Chickens

It's always nice to see people post of successfully co-mingled flocks, congrats on your happy coop

If you look at 99.9% of all the peaceful co-mingled flocks... free ranging is a key component to keeping a happy flock of mixed poultry, (ANY type of poultry IMO, but especially a flock with Guineas). So is plenty of room in the coop, plenty of roosting space and roosting options, plenty of time for the newbies to get acclimated and accepted by the existing flock, as well as extra feeders and waterers. IMO... if you avoid over crowding and situations that can cause aggression issues from forming from the get-go, then you tend to have better luck with mixed flocks of ANY kind of poultry
(Not everybody gets this tho and so Guineas usually tend to get the blame for being the issue, when it's more often than not the flock owner's fault for not understanding the specific needs of the individual types of poultry).

r these the hens that will kill ticks and things outside?
we had a hen go broody last year, but no rooster, so nothing for her to hatch (we have a rooster now). I got guinea eggs from a friend and she hatched and raised them. they stay closer to the house because of that and eat the ticks on MY farm instead of everyone else's (the last group of guineas kept going over to our neighbors even though we have 15 acres). every now and then the guinea cock picks on one of the chickens or rooster, but nothing serious and not regularly.
I need to get rid of my male guinea cause he's attacking my roosters and making them run off into the woods away from the safety of the flock! He never stops now...if he sees them coming up out of the woods, he darts after them and viciously attacks & runs them back into the woods! I can't handle this meanness to my sweet beautiful Roos !!
I caught him with a net & took him & placed him in a dog kennel for now... I absolutely hate it cause when the guineas get scared or want something, they cheep like little babies & their ugly mugs always get to me! I can't let him make me feel bad this time! My beautiful Black frizzle rooster & blue Cochin are losing their feathers from the attacks & stay nervous & I can't stand to see that!
What I'm wondering is.... Will my female Guinea do ok without her mate?.... As they were always together moving as one. I'm worried she might cry for him or get depressed? Will she do ok?
Also... Does anyone WANT a male guinea? He's the dotted feather one with the slight lavendar color around the neck & breast... Not sure the breed?

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