guinea hens

They will roost at night and make warning noises through the night, wont protect. Once they settle they will start being loud. Are you sure you have a male and female?
Rain and water is fine, mine will stay out in light rain but if its pouring down they will find shelter. I have seen them chase anything small and moving around them, I have seen them chasing mice I dont know if they have ever caught one.
I the area where the barn is and other fences for poultry are, is confined within the 1/2 acre part of my property -- which is all fenced. This is in case something happens, unless I open the 4' fence they can't be exposed to the rest of the 1/2 acre. (I live on the acre part as the 1/2 acre is dedicated to the critters. This morning I went out and the two guineas were roaming around (they found a spot on top of the netting and got out) but they didn't try to jump the 4 foot fence to get out of the confined area (which is large). I chased them for about less than a minute and one went in their enclosed area and then the other a short bit later followed. I put in a perch for them. I asked the people that I got these two for two more females and waiting to hear what they say. I think they are finally "starting" to settle. They are scaredy cats rather than aggressive.

As far as am I sure they are male and female...I think so as that is what my friend said that gave them to me.. The male has wattles that flair out and she is move delicate and smaller. They both are a bit less than a year old. The people said that they have found eggs from the guineas so someone or something is laying. I also made a nest for them to see what happens.
Seems like they want to go into the bigger area, its a good sign if they it leave the larger space. They are flighty birds so if given a choice flying/running away will be the fist options before even considering attacking, the only times a guinea have had a go at me was in breeding season if I'm near a nest.
The wattle arent always correct but if they say they were getting eggs thats a good sign. Once they are relaxed and start making more noise you should be able to hear two different sounds if you have a male and female. I like to supply places to nest but they will choose where they want to nest.
How loud are Guinea hens? I am thinking about getting some to keep my chickens safe, we have had problems with rodents. But how loud are they? And are get always loud or can they be quiet too? Are girls louder than guys?
How loud are Guinea hens? I am thinking about getting some to keep my chickens safe, we have had problems with rodents. But how loud are they? And are get always loud or can they be quiet too? Are girls louder than guys?

They can be loud, the females more so than the males, and the younger ones more so than the older one - they seem to quiet down after time and practice using their voice and with familiarity of their environment (recognizing the sound of cars, planes, trains, the tractor, etc.) Given enough space to free range (10 acres here) mine are content to poke around and just seem to coo and chirp for the most part. I even have trouble locating them at times; they get in the tall grass and hide. At this point, if I hear them all raising up some noise, I know there's a reason - a predator, or something new that's disturbed them either that they have seen or have heard. I only have a flock of guineas (14 now), so I'm not sure about mixing with the chickens. Some people don't have a problem mixing them, others do....
i had 10 hens and a rooster and the guinea hen. i got the guinea hen as a 2 mos. keet along with 2 chicks. when it grew, skitts became close with the 2 hens. it has been years and the 2 hens have died. now it is alone. i just lost the last hen. i am debating whether to get another female or just leave it alone. when we had the rooster, skitts when moody would peck the roosters tail and hang onto it all over the yard and i am chasing both of them to distract the guinea so it would let go. this happens when the rooster pesters the hens and her. she never went on the road but went along with the hens. my guinea hen is possessive. when it has food, it would pretend about to eat then chase the hens away. hens got used to her ways. but in general they all got along.
the only time when my guinea hen is loud if there is a strange sound from my neighbors, and strangers. it gives you warning which is good. it also watches the sky for hawks. i have lost hens from hawks and they know to hide under the trees. my favorite silk male got taken by hawk. i think the other hens saw the fight or violence which happened under the tree near pen house. when i found the rest of hens they were inside the hen house including my guinea hen .
Mine are quite most of the day. But they have an annoying habit of hanging out outside my bedroom window every morning at first light.. and the females keep making a very loud 'wake up wake up' call.
i had 10 hens and a rooster and the guinea hen. i got the guinea hen as a 2 mos. keet along with 2 chicks. when it grew, skitts became close with the 2 hens. it has been years and the 2 hens have died. now it is alone. i just lost the last hen. i am debating whether to get another female or just leave it alone. when we had the rooster, skitts when moody would peck the roosters tail and hang onto it all over the yard and i am chasing both of them to distract the guinea so it would let go. this happens when the rooster pesters the hens and her. she never went on the road but went along with the hens. my guinea hen is possessive. when it has food, it would pretend about to eat then chase the hens away. hens got used to her ways. but in general they all got along.

So sorry for your losses... always sad to lose them and it's even worse when the losses are clustered. I saw guineas pecking and hanging on to turkey tails at a friend's barn. It was hysterical to watch, but really ripped up the turkey's tail feathers. Good luck with your decision on getting more.

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