Guinea keet newly hatched, broken, possibly boneless leg


7 Years
Feb 21, 2012
Near Monroe, North Carolina
Okay.. this guinea (possibly a chicken Guinea mix) hatched out sometime today.
Problem 1 : momma broody was off the nest today
Problem 2 : baby is definitely injured.. not sure if it got pecked, was born deformed, or what. Either way, the leg IS broken. It bends at weird angles and just seems to dangle from the body with little to no movement. Baby does not seem to be in pain, doesn't cry when I touch her leg, is able to right herself but not walk. Am giving water with aspirin.
Yes. There is a bone, just seems to be broken in several places so it is very floppy. The swelling is going down along with the deep purple bruises, I made a splint for her yesterday. She can walk completely normal if you support her bad side. I am hoping that her leg isn't dislocated at the hip, I've come to the conclusion that the only way to fix that is to get the leg amputated.
She is definitely a fighter, I am going to keep helping her to drink and eat. I'll let nature take its course from there. If she survives, I will do everything in my power to make sure she has a happy life. If not, well, that's the way it was meant to be.
By the way, her name is now Penguin

This is her splint. Her mom was a Pearl Pied and her dad was a Coral. Whatever color she is, she's beautiful.

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