Guinea talk.

My hen took in my little guinnies


I didn't know they would do that?! Good to know now.
Lots of catching up to do here on the Guinea Talk thread. Thanks everyone for the posts, entertaining stories and great pics! It puts a smile on my face when I read this posts. My husband will even hear me laughing out loud at the computer.

Patty - I can just envision the chest bumping and kung fu kicks that greet you every morning. I still haven't seen any chest bumping, and the closest I get to a kung fu kick is a jump straight up in the air. That usually happens when the bigger ones go after the little ones. Then the little ones fluff themselves up and go up on their toes as if to say, "huh, I'm not afraid of you and now, I'm the big cheese here". Sometimes I think they don't even know they are being picked on - just a way of life for them.

DMontgomery - can we purchase a pass to Nana Beth's Country Farm Day Spa? It would be a good Christmas gift. You gotta love that Elvis. What a handsome dude and he knows it! Looks like they have a great area for a dust bath. We're having to get more creative with colder weather. They seem to be interested in the plastic under the bed box I filled with sand, wood ash and wood chips. I'll need to work on getting something bigger in there to encourage daily hygiene.

Alexa32 - what a great mama hen! That bond will be good for your guineas. I was reading on another thread that those free ranging guineas that are raised by mamas rather than by hand seem to be more savvy when it comes to predators and vehicles and have a higher survival rate. Mine were hand raised and we've lost almost half of the original flock to vehicles / predators. It will be interesting to see if I notice a difference in survival rate when I have some that are raised by guineas - if I had a chicken mama, I'd try that, but at this point - it's only guineas.

Christy and James - how is it going with your gal that you removed the band? Any better assimilation? Sometimes they just never give up and live their lives on the outskirts of the flock. Let us know how things progress.

We have family coming into town for Thanksgiving starting Monday - actually celebrating a week early. I'll try to post some pictures of the grandkids with the birds. Anyone else up to posting some Thanksgiving pics with their birds?

Have a wonderful weekend.
I didn't know they would do that?! Good to know now.

I didn't know that she would of taken them in as her own but she has been a little depressed for a few days now. Ever since a possum killed my Frizzle father chicks. So I decided to put her in with my guineas. Ad who would of known she would let them sleep under neath her.
Alexa that is a very cute pic of the hen and the keets. She needed them and they needed her. That's sweet.

Spider and Mary Jane might be copying the chickens and the ducks. My ducks when they get aggressive they like to do the chest bumping and the chickens have got the kung fu down to a special art when they fight. Spider is wild in the mornings when he comes out of the coop. It's like look out world here I come.

That is something to look forward to Rhonda, family and Thanksgiving. I would love to see some pics. I can't hardly get Josh or Robbie to take pics anymore. I need to charge my phone and start taking them myself.

It is getting down the 30s tonight so we'll be turning the heat on. I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

So I decided to tie a string around my Little guys feet to they can enjoy a little freedom. Don't like to see them in the cage all day. Can't wait to see them full grown my little thing one and thing two.

So I decided to tie a string around my Little guys feet to they can enjoy a little freedom. Don't like to see them in the cage all day. Can't wait to see them full grown my little thing one and thing two.

Are their names really Thing 1 and Thing 2? What color are they? (It's hard to tell from the pics if they are buff, lavender, or white).
I'm curious because I had 2 Lavender guineas (one male and one female) that I named Thing 1 and Thing 2 after the Dr Suess characters. I now only have Thing 2 (the female) as Thing 1 got picked off by a fox this last spring. :(

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