Guinea talk.

Thanks guys. So happy I was able to start such a helpful thread. Got other good news also. I'm going to be a daddy.
Lost a keet :( looks like they all went to the cooler side last night and then instead of going back to the light when they got cold they just piled in a corner. :/

Sorry to hear about your Keet. Try pilutting another light on the other side of the cage but make it a smaller light so they won't get too hot.
Lost a keet
looks like they all went to the cooler side last night and then instead of going back to the light when they got cold they just piled in a corner.

Very sorry to hear that you lost one. Usually if they pile into a corner, it's because they're scared or it was too warm and they were trying to get away from the light / heat source. Is there enough room for them to move away from the heat source without bunching up into a corner? Maybe the light needs to be lifted up a bit? If they were trying to get away because it was too warm and they bunched up, the one could have been injured in the process. I hope you get things working for you. You certainly don't want to lose anymore and the pictures you posted of them are precious. Can't wait to see what colors you end up with! Good luck!

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