Guinea talk.

Very sorry to hear that you lost one.  Usually if they pile into a corner, it's because they're scared or it was too warm and they were trying to get away from the light / heat source.  Is there enough room for them to move away from the heat source without bunching up into a corner?  Maybe the light needs to be lifted up a bit?  If they were trying to get away because it was too warm and they bunched up, the one could have been injured in the process.  I hope you get things working for you.  You certainly don't want to lose anymore and the pictures you posted of them are precious.  Can't wait to see what colors you end up with!  Good luck!

I don't think they were too hot, the brooder is about 2x4 (roughly) so plenty of room to be in with out having to pile in a corner to get out of it. I think what happened was I went in last night to check on them and they all got up and started wandering around over by the food and water which is imbetween the hot and cool side and I guess they went to the cool side after. :confused:
Today we had a scare Echo ate her food to fast and it lodged in her throat so James and i had to gently massage her throat to unblock the stuck food, after a few beak fulls of water she threw the food out. At least we could save her unlike my brahma yesterday who passed from shock from sour crop as james and i assisted her like all the forums we read on how to help here on byc. It hit hard but i am focusing on everyone else
Very sorry to hear your sad news, Christy. It's always difficult to lose one. I am glad to hear that you had a special birthday present though! How thoughtful!
Enjoy your new birdie and her beautiful eggs!
I don't think they were too hot, the brooder is about 2x4 (roughly) so plenty of room to be in with out having to pile in a corner to get out of it. I think what happened was I went in last night to check on them and they all got up and started wandering around over by the food and water which is imbetween the hot and cool side and I guess they went to the cool side after.

Sorry to hear that you lost one. Hope the rest can get their situation figured out so it doesn't happen again.
Can I join this thread? I only have one lilac guinea currently but...

Oh course!  Welcome!  We have a variety of situations here and always enjoy conversing with a new member.  Some members have no guineas at this time and others have over 20 and then there are some of us in between. 

Thanks!!!! :weee

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