Guinea talk.

Chickens have what everybody calls the egg song.  After they lay they have to tell the whole world they laid an egg.  The rooster usually pitches in to with his song too.  It can last up to a half an hour.  

The chair was blue but they wanted that chair so bad.  We park in the street on the other side of their fence or I'm sure they would probably be up on the car or the truck.  We have races with the car.  I roll down the window and tell Spiderman let's race and he runs along the fence line trying to beat the car.  We always let him win and he really thinks he can outrun the car.

Poor kids I bet every chair they see they want. And i think its cute how you race with him he sure is imprinted on you.
I'll have to listen for that egg song, Patty. That's cute that they staked a claim on that chair. I'll be they raised a ruckus when that chair went inside. I can just hear that anxious pacing trill call they make that keeps escalating with their stress level. Along with being Walmart greeters, they could open an interior decorating business! Maybe you could get them a show on HGTV!
To funny. I have guineas that loves chairs and races cars and would love to be a Walmart greeter.

I see know it all is back.
Thanks for the info! I couldn't find that particular thread by that person, but I did find quite a few others regarding chickens and laying calls. Most people seem to call it the "egg song". I've never had chickens so I wondered if they made a similar noise before laying. I couldn't find anything specifically regarding guineas, but I'm thinking it must be the same thing.

I couldn't find it either! He must have posted it within another thread. If I come across it, I'll let you know.
I got some good news. I have noticed a definite pair between the guineas. Charlie has chosen Delta as his mate, James and I had them out and he got into a love hug with her and she let him. Echo got so upset she screamed at the top of her bloody lungs and chased everyone. It was a bit funny as she just got a taste of karma for chasing and teasing Delta for so long. And the other guineas are all doing good and getting weight on.

Just today and last night we put in expired yogurt in their feed, which was out of code by a few days and they tore it up. So I know something to feed them
I got some good news. I have noticed a definite pair between the guineas. Charlie has chosen Delta as his mate, James and I had them out and he got into a love hug with her and she let him.

Next they'll be looking for a nesting site together. It's fun to watch them - pretending to be nonchalant about scoping out a place for the nest when they break away from the rest of the flock. You had better write a guinea fowl cookbook. You have so many recipes there - treats, food.... They are so lucky!
Next they'll be looking for a nesting site together.  It's fun to watch them - pretending to be nonchalant about scoping out a place for the nest when they break away from the rest of the flock.  You had better write a guinea fowl cookbook.  You have so many recipes there - treats, food.... They are so lucky! 

Dad and i are planning on building a tunnel nest box for them and placing it up higher with a roost just big enough for chickens or guineas. Since James and I are thinning out the turkeys. We went from 8 down to 6 soon to be only 3, as one isnt laying and the two remaining jakes are now fighting.
And besides im making room for the 22 new chickens to join the flock and making room for june for 10 keets.

Hehe I will make a google docs with recipes i make for everyone, likes and dislikes and share it here.

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