Guinea talk.

The guineas are 7 weeks old now.

Give them time they will call sooner or later. I still have 1 female that never buckwheats.
And I recently found out I now own 3 males 4 females. One of my recent buys happened to be a boy, I am not complaining He has been busy chasing the ladies.
Is it true that these birds help deter coons mice and rats?
In my experience no, I just recently dealt with a mouse problem around the coop and as far as coons I still have raccoons come around from time to time that I have to trap. As for rats unsure but I'm sure that doesn't matter either. Guineas are great for ticks though
Is it true that these birds help deter coons mice and rats?

Although my guineas killed a mouse one time, I generally find that I have mice in the coop a lot due to the food that gets spilled on the coop floor. I don't have any rats, but mice are a contestant battle. As for raccoons, I see them around my house and found them trying to get into my coop several times....I think they probably smell and hear the guineas and are drawn in by them. Luckily my guineas are locked in at night so they are safe, but I have lost 2 guineas to raccoons in the past when I was out of town and my coop got left open at night.:(
Overall, I'd say they are not good at repelling rats, mice, raccoons, etc, but they are awesome for getting rid of ticks and bugs. Also, they are good at sounding an alarm when any predator is around. I always know when there is a fox, coyote, eagle, or hawk in the area, as the guineas go crazy!

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