Guinea talk.

I do believe we got our very first Guinea egg today. James and I heard them all machine gunning out in the coop I go to see whats going on and collect any laid eggs. Come to find out the entire Guinea flock had a Turkey hen circled and yelling at her in the nesting barrel, I move her to find a chicken egg (green) and the small white egg. I moved her and took both eggs and Delta jumped in looking for the egg, I am guessing she was the momma of the first egg. Woohoo!
Time to test the bator and wait for more eggs to try my hand at hatching eggs. At least until I can make a broody section in the coop, since I didnt make the divider in there like I wanted too.
Forgive the cut, Turkey yesterday caught my hand on the way out to the garden pasture to eat grass she didn't want to walk out there.
I do believe we got our very first Guinea egg today. James and I heard them all machine gunning out in the coop I go to see whats going on and collect any laid eggs. Come to find out the entire Guinea flock had a Turkey hen circled and yelling at her in the nesting barrel, I move her to find a chicken egg (green) and the small white egg. I moved her and took both eggs and Delta jumped in looking for the egg, I am guessing she was the momma of the first egg. Woohoo! Time to test the bator and wait for more eggs to try my hand at hatching eggs. At least until I can make a broody section in the coop, since I didnt make the divider in there like I wanted too. Forgive the cut, Turkey yesterday caught my hand on the way out to the garden pasture to eat grass she didn't want to walk out there.
That's awesome! Love the green chicken egg too...Pretty one
so question for all yall. I have 4 guineas I thought I had 3 males and 1 hen but I found 2 laying eggs in the brush yesterday so I at least have 2 lol. My question is I have raised them with my chickens, they were in the coop and run from last summer to this spring. I have started free ranging them and they love it. One thing I would love them to do is roost in a tree or on top of our poll barns or even the coop, the problem is they come back at dusk and cry to get in the coop. I have tried tough love where I just pretend to not hear them hoping they would roost somewhere... well it got to 9:00pm and they were still going crazy making all types of noise to be let in... I didn't want the neighbors (whose house is about 300 yards away from the coop) to get upset so I let them in.... The next night I tried to leave them in the run and close the coop door... again they just went absurdly loud until I let them in...Is there something I can do to coax them to roost in a tree or is it too late...? The reason I don't want them in with the chickens is first of all they are bullies and love to charge at the chickens and sometimes pull out feathers when doing so... Also I work early so my fiancé lets them out for me during my work days and doesn't want to risk accidentally letting the chickens out... any advice would be awesome, thank you..
Just so you know, the guineas will get picked off quickly if they roost in trees. The owls, raccoons, and other predators can easilty target them. My guineas are bullies to my chickens, but the guineas go and roost up high while the others can roost below. My chickens know how to avoid the meaner guineas. I don't know how to make the guineas stay outside... Mine have never had to.
we have had guineas in the past on our property and they did fine in the pine trees the problem with predators wasn't at night but during the day with a fox problem we had years ago... that problem has since been rectified... I think lol
We must have more night time predators than you do. We don't have many foxes here. Our big issue is raccoons. Wish I could help you train your guineas to sleep outside, but I don't have any ideas. Sorry!
it's ok, it's a long shot trying to get them to be 100% free range, I realize people probably have the opposite problem and that I'm probably lucky they go in my coop lol. Last year we had a lot of raccoons on our property but I thinned them out pretty well during small game season.

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