Guinea talk.

We have 8 guinea fowl who free range on our 3 acres (and the surrounding land too). They are almost a year old now and do pretty well getting back into the coop w the chickens each night. They all look the same except for Bob. And Bob is quite the adventurous (some argue stupid) guinea! Lol. They keep us all entertained!
I do believe we got our very first Guinea egg today. James and I heard them all machine gunning out in the coop I go to see whats going on and collect any laid eggs. Come to find out the entire Guinea flock had a Turkey hen circled and yelling at her in the nesting barrel, I move her to find a chicken egg (green) and the small white egg. I moved her and took both eggs and Delta jumped in looking for the egg, I am guessing she was the momma of the first egg. Woohoo!
Time to test the bator and wait for more eggs to try my hand at hatching eggs. At least until I can make a broody section in the coop, since I didnt make the divider in there like I wanted too.
Forgive the cut, Turkey yesterday caught my hand on the way out to the garden pasture to eat grass she didn't want to walk out there.
Congrats on your guinea egg. I have an easter egger chicken that lays green eggs too. I think they are so pretty.
We have 8 guinea fowl who free range on our 3 acres (and the surrounding land too). They are almost a year old now and do pretty well getting back into the coop w the chickens each night. They all look the same except for Bob. And Bob is quite the adventurous (some argue stupid) guinea! Lol. They keep us all entertained!
Welcome to BYC there is alot of information here. Bob must be the adventurous one. There is always one in the crowd. They are entertaining that is for sure. Just to watch them walk brings a smile to my face.
Thanks Patty. My EE lays those lovely greens and robins egg blue eggs. I am starting to set the eggs in hopes Delta lays more so I can incubate them for my own little keets. Charlie is being very protective over Delta this week to the point he is going after the other males who try to show off for her, even after the other hens who get to close.
well last night right before dark and right before I was putting my guineas back in the coop a fox picked off one of my guineas. I went down to let them in and only 3 were there. I quickly grabbed my rifle and went for a walk behind the coop and quickly saw the fox I was able to get 2 good shots in and it ran down the ravine. I found blood today so I know I hit him good. Unfortunately he killed the guinea. My poor 3 guineas left were crying for the 4th last night until lights out and today. I let the 3 out to free range again today only because I found blood from the fox. Ugh I hate predators.
Welcome freerangePA!
That's a nice bunch of guineas and the pictures you took of Bob were comical. He sure is the adventurous one. Thanks for sharing.

MartinsPoultry - good luck with your guinea eggs. That's great! I hope you end up hatching a bunch of them.

Patty - keep us posted on Mary Jane's progress.
well last night right before dark and right before I was putting my guineas back in the coop a fox picked off one of my guineas. I went down to let them in and only 3 were there. I quickly grabbed my rifle and went for a walk behind the coop and quickly saw the fox I was able to get 2 good shots in and it ran down the ravine. I found blood today so I know I hit him good. Unfortunately he killed the guinea. My poor 3 guineas left were crying for the 4th last night until lights out and today. I let the 3 out to free range again today only because I found blood from the fox. Ugh I hate predators.

I hate predators too. I was looking forward to my hens hatching this spring, but it looks as though coyote's killed 3 of them this morning - I'm down to 7 - two French Jumbo females and one regular domestic female, the rest males. I'll probably be looking at ordering more keets - not something I planned to do again this year. Very sad.... I hope you have better luck for the rest of the spring.
this is the first predator kill on the farm. I have been very diligent with predator control during the hunting seasons. I hate killing predators out of season as there needs to be a balance and I hate having to call the DEC every time I have to do so lol. Thankfully NY state miraculously has the common sense to allow you to protect your livestock from predators.
I hate predators too.  I was looking forward to my hens hatching this spring, but it looks as though coyote's killed 3 of them this morning - I'm down to 7 - two French Jumbo females and one regular domestic female, the rest males.  I'll probably be looking at ordering more keets - not something I planned to do again this year.  Very sad.... I hope you have better luck for the rest of the spring.

I'm so sorry to hear about your guineas! (Also sorry for your loss too Hillaire). :hit

I hate predators as well...Every year I lose at least one or two guineas to fox or coyote. I don't know of any way to completely prevent it, but I think I've found a way to lessen the amount that hang around waiting to pick off the guineas. Last year, I lost nine keets one evening to a coyote and a few days later lost a male guinea to a fox. After that, I got a big boom box and tuned it to talk radio and set it facing where the guineas most commonly free range. After that, I didn't see another predator or lose any more guineas despite being surrounded by corn. If you have neighbors nearby, then it may bother them, but if not, then it's worth a try to see if it helps!
I've heard other people say spreading dog or human urine along their property line works, but I didn't try that! :idunno
whenever I'm around during the day any time I have to go #1 I pick a spot on the property to go lol. I could just not free range my guineas but they are great for tick control and they are so mean to the chickens lol. I'm hoping it was a male that was taken out and not one of the hens. That would be the only bright side I guess... I am going to put some guinea eggs in the incubator but honestly if my guinea flock does get taken out by predators I may just not get anymore...

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