Guinea talk.

Thanks. And sorry its 9/11 that have veins. Eggs 1 and 10 dont have veins yet,but i am not giving up on them yet.
Good luck with your eggs. I candled some of Mary Janes eggs when she was off the nest. I only did 7 and 6 were clear and one had a little black dot.
Thanks Patty. James and I are anxiously waiting for pip day. We are building a coop for them from an old swing set frame. These little ones will free range along with foxy if he sadly doesn't sell. Charlie, blue and echo terrorise the devil out of him.

Im also tossing little over half a dozen muscovy eggs in. Going to sell any drakes and keep hens from them to make cross breeds with my rouens, runners, khakis and anconas.
my guineas just started laying eggs but they haven't layed on them yet so when do they start the hatch them.

They will usually lay one egg per day for about 30 days or until they have a good sized clutch of eggs. Then, they will go broody and sit on the eggs for about 28 days (give or take a few days). This way, all the eggs hatch around roughly the same time frame. Good luck!
So I just came out of the coop with my second egg collection. 3 total guinea eggs, 2 chickens (2 are slacking) and no turkey eggs yet.
So far I am waiting for this sunday to come to candle the eggs again and now I have 13 muscovy eggs incubating in my bedroom along with the other broods in the brooder boxes.
So I just came out of the coop with my second egg collection. 3 total guinea eggs, 2 chickens (2 are slacking) and no turkey eggs yet.
So far I am waiting for this sunday to come to candle the eggs again and now I have 13 muscovy eggs incubating in my bedroom along with the other broods in the brooder boxes.

Wow! You have maternity wards throughout the entire house! Keets and chicks and ducklings galore... maybe a few poults thrown in there for good measure.

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