Guinea talk.

Thank you so much! I probably can't switch since all the mixed babies,( chicks peachicks and keets) are all in the same brooder, but I will start giving them extra protein.
Pea chicks, keets, turkey poults and gamebird chicks need the extra protein. What seldom gets pointed out is that the higher protein and other essentials are not harmful to chicken chicks. The chicken chicks don't need the higher protein but they can actually stand higher levels of protein than the other fowl.

I brood chicken chicks, poults and keets together. I feed all of them a 28% protein turkey/gamebird starter. They all do really good on it.
Not much to report on here.... It's like a sad math equation - started with a flock of 12 in the spring, gave 2 females away, lost 6 to predators = 4 guineas left and the two males will kill each other if I let them. One to one isn't enough - it's winner take all. I have 20 Lavender Jumbos (keets) due to arrive around July 4th. That's all the news that's fit to print.
I have some news on my end. We had 8 Guinea's hatch 3 weeks ago today, lost one due to it was to weak and a baby peep jumped on it. Bought 2 after she had passed away that were orphaned with a clutch of 16 chicken peeps and 1 solo turkey a little black spanish.
Sold 4 yesterday to an older couple who have been looking high and low for Guinea's, they fell in love with our flock.
We have 4 left, Num. 8, Mouse, Spladdle leggs and Mini Delta.

Our current flock so far
7 Adult Guineas
4 Keets - 2 more due this coming week
11 Guineas Total

8 Adult Chickens - 1 Rooster, 7 laying hens
26 Chickens due to join the flock here soon, minus the Bantams who gain their own coop
16 still peeping and feathering out, 5 roos thus far, most are for sale we are keeping a few one of which is 100% blind, James and I don't have the heart to cull her as she eats and drinks fine as long as she can hear everyone
3 Newly hatched Bantams, Their hatch day was 6/10/17
51 Chickens total

4 Adult Muscovy, 1 drake destined for the oven, he charged my 10 y/o niece
14 Semi Adult Ducks, 2 are hens
6 Younger Ducks, 3 hens
1 Baby Muscovy we had to assist in a hatch, she lost her whole clutch of 13
2 Cayuga Ducklings as companion to the Muscovy
27 Ducks Total

4 Adult Turkeys - all hens, 1 heading to the freezer, she attacked the guineas and chickens, and is a free loader
3 Baby Turkeys, 3 more due this coming week
7 Turkeys Total,

Grand Total Damage of Living Birds is 96
One of the Keets, Need to capture the rest. This one is Mouse. He/she looking like a little field mouse when it hatched and the name stuck. Please excuse the messy background I was in the process of cleaning.

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