Guinea talk.

Guineas are great to have but why are they so dumb? I've lost every flock I've ever had. I took a break and then decided to take the plunge again this Spring. I had 5 and then the one male picked on a smaller one and he accidently got out on me, never to return. After 6 weeks I decided to let the remaining 4 out. They split up in to two pairs. All was fine until dark rolled around and they didn't return to the coop. I was able to find one pair and herded them back into the coop. The other pair was not to be found. The next day after work I walked outside my garage and there the one male stood there staring at me. Eventually I was able to catch it and returned it to the coop. I lost the one nice female I had. I keep saying I'm going to build a run so they can be outside during the day. I think the issue is that they're not old enough yet, I think they're under a year old, to remember to return to the coop. I'm on the hunt to find a couple more to add to the group of 3. The small price we must pay to destroy the tick population.
Ok. Where can I find Corid? I should move the keet to a separate area, right? Right now he is in with 9 other chicks and another keet

I purchased CORID from Tractor Supply in a foil pouch - it's sold as "an aid in the treament and prevention of bovine coccidiosis for calves". Since it's in a large amount, I had to work backwards to come up with the correct dosage for a gallon. I figured out the dosage and am happy to share.

It's recommended to be put in the water for 3-5 days up to an additional 1-2 weeks. There are three levels of dosage - Preventative, Moderate or Severe. Preventative is 1/3 tsp. per gallon, Moderate is 2/3 tsp. per gallon and Severe is 1 tsp. per gallon.

I would say your keet is severe. If it were mine, I would isolate and give it the Severe dosage at least for 5 days and if there are still symptoms, I would continue.

As for the rest, I would treat with the Preventative dosage and monitor since they have been exposed and coccidiosis is contagious. Although I don't automatically treat my keets with CORID or give them a medicated feed (does the same thing) I do treat new birds that I'm adding to my flock with a 5 day Preventative level while they are quarantined. Sometimes the stress of moving and introducing them to a new home can trigger coccidiosis.

Good luck and keep us posted. It's never fun having to deal with a sick bird!
:rolleyes: Thanks for the help guys! I will try to get some medication as soon as I can, but the nearest place for me is 40 minutes away, so I hope my keet will last a couple more days without it. Until I get meds, the keet is getting DE in his feed.
I'll join this thread. I currently have 1 Pearl Grey guinea, the other 5 passed away. :hit I ordered 5 Lavenders from Cackle Hatchery though and they're expected to come between 7/07/17-7/08/17 Super excited! :celebrate I'll post pictures of them on here when I get them. :p
Had two keeters hatch,one looks like mouse and the other is a normal pearl
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Im trying something new. I brought my guinea hen Delta in and she is laying on both, wont let me near them. Think she would be ok with them? I will be building a brooder in the barn for her and them if so and let her momma them.

Edit: So I left her in there with them for about 20min and she loved every minute of it, so ginger and careful not to step on the day olds. But I put her back in the barn with the rest of the flock. James doesn't want her to try and raise these ones, but let her sit on eggs next year and let her brood them. She would be such a great momma too.
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