Guinea talk.

How did you get them so tame??? Mine are 3- 4 mos old & are wild as a March hare! We have handled them & talked to them but to no avail! I'm concerned about letting them out to roam. We covered a lg trampoline frame with chicken wire, added a small house & their food & water. We have a ton of owls & I'm worried about them surviving. Winter will be here soon & I don't want them to die. Any suggestions?
I know this probably seems mean but its my only hope to end the guinea cock fights. Echo, Foxy and one hen named Juilette all have thr glasses of shame.
I have six four week old keets and their antics keep me laughing every day! Today I was hand feeding them little bits of lamb's quarters (aka goosefoot or fat hen, it's related to spinach and quinoa) and they were gobbling it up, strutting around with their bits and running back for more. They're just so cute, this is my first time keeping poultry and I'm in love!
oh, the pics are precious! They are so little, but look great. I can tell you're going to spoil them. :love Thanks for taking the time to post. We all love to drool over keets here. :drool
Thank you...Sad day here lost one this am I believe he/she was a runt so tiny and could barely walk. Not sure what happened all other 7 r doing great..
How did you get them so tame??? Mine are 3- 4 mos old & are wild as a March hare! We have handled them & talked to them but to no avail! I'm concerned about letting them out to roam. We covered a lg trampoline frame with chicken wire, added a small house & their food & water. We have a ton of owls & I'm worried about them surviving. Winter will be here soon & I don't want them to die. Any suggestions?

I think some are just more wild than others no matter what you do. As long as they've been confined together for a while, they should come back home without a problem. Once they know home, they don't forget it. Predators are always a problem with free ranging. Keeping them under cover at night will prevent a lot of it. Obviously, if they are out when a coyote or fox happen to be, they will be vulnerable, but there's strength in numbers and they'll let you know there's a problem. Will you have to provide more shelter for them in the winter? Not sure how cold you get there.
Thank you...Sad day here lost one this am I believe he/she was a runt so tiny and could barely walk. Not sure what happened all other 7 r doing great..

Oh, so sorry to hear that you lost one. They're so vulnerable when they're little. The first week is a bit touch and go for all of them. It's good that the others are doing well. Unfortunately, anything could have happened and it was probably more susceptible being the runt.
I have six four week old keets and their antics keep me laughing every day! Today I was hand feeding them little bits of lamb's quarters (aka goosefoot or fat hen, it's related to spinach and quinoa) and they were gobbling it up, strutting around with their bits and running back for more. They're just so cute, this is my first time keeping poultry and I'm in love!

Oh have fun with them! Guineas were my first time keeping poultry too. I'm glad to hear that you're "in love". Some people feel differently toward guineas - I've heard a lot of negatives, but don't agree. I think they are just the best too! Welcome to BYC and to "being owned by guineas". That's what it feels like most of the time. :welcome
I really hope that someone can help me. Our guineas hatched 21 keets two days ago and we were able to get them all, but now they are dying. We found that 2 of the keets where completely fine one minute but the next had a hole in it's abdomen with worms coming out. Is there anything I can do. I know wormer will probably kill them because of the strength. Please help me please.

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