Guinea talk.

Are you sure it is worms and not there intestines coming out? Could it be possible that the mother is poking them with her beak? I'm just trying to think of all possibilities to try to help you out here.
It's worms. We were able to pull 3 out and the were moving in the container. It was horrifying.
Newest lone member to the M&M homestead.
Thinking of naming it LeAnn after my deceased mother inlaw.
Little fighter scoots around talking up a storm.
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@Timcq enjoyed your photos. Gosh - how a picture of a guinea can make my heart do a flip flop. Guess I'm hooked! Thanks for sharing.

@MartinsPoultry you mentioned having a solo with a two week difference in age and four week difference in age with the rest of the flock. I was able to merge Eloise and Friday with a flock - one week age difference, but Friday is much smaller since the rest are Jumbos. She just body surfed over the top of them. If I remember correctly, I put her in with them after she was about 3-4 days old. Just made sure she was eating, drinking and defecating fine before I put her in. I made sure one part of the brooder had heat in case she needed a bit more, but she really just gets along fine with the big ones and I felt that was better for her socially than keeping her separate. I'm sure you'll figure it out and do what's best for your flock. You always do! So impressed with all your birds.
Finally got a chance to get some pics to share.

Here's Joseph aka Jo Jo admiring himself in the mirror. It's like the Beatles' song - Jo Jo was a bird who thought he was a loner, but he knew it wouldn't last.


One of the jumbo lavenders finishing a blade of grass. They are 5 weeks now.

And last, but not least, one from the mixed colored flock (pied) taking flight in the box elders next to the coop. They are 2 months now. How time flies along with the guineas!

Waterloo 8 weeks.JPG
Hi all. I just took in two little keets. Any idea what color this one is?

I did get my royal purple guineas about 6 weeks ago and they are doing great. Pretty crazy but they are very fun to have around.

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