Guinea talk.

Hello All! I am new to guineas and just wanted to introduce myself. I have been reading the post and have gotten some great advice from all of you, but haven't posted myself yet.

I currently have 8 keets that are about 8 weeks old. Soon they will be moving into their 'big kid' coop. They are the only birds that I have, but they are starting to get crowded in their ground coop. I also have 2 dogs. The guineas will actually let my heeler stand in the coop and lick them. But my husky keeps trying to chase and snap at them so I am slightly worried about when we decide to let them free range.

I am hoping to get some advice about what all to have on hand for 'guinea first aid'. I think one guinea has been pecked enough to open a wound. It seems fine and has scabbed. I tried to catch him to look at it closer and he was not a fan! I know things like this will happen more so I would like to get some advice to be prepared for minor injuries that may occur.

Welcome to the Guinea Talk thread! :wootGlad you jumped in here. It's always good to hear from new people. Your birds are beautiful and I really like your ground coop. I've seen those posted on Craigslist and they look like they are well made and provide a nice moveable option.

As for the first aid - I usually have the following on hand - Epsom Salts for soaking, Corona cream for first aid, Neosporin anti-bacterial ointment, Desitin diaper rash cream (good when you need something thick to cover an area), Nutri-drench water additive, and Rooster Booster probiotic with electrolytes. I keep some Vet tape on hand too, but have never used it. Catching them is the most difficult part. I have my best luck going into the coop in the dark; second best thing, but a bit more anxiety producing and only done when they are enclosed in the run or barn with the one(s) I need, is netting. I have a large sport fishing net lined with bird netting to keep them from getting hurt. Hope this helps.

Our first dog learned to ignore the guineas in time. She wasn't allowed to get anywhere near them and we just kept her tethered far enough away so she could see them, but not get to them. It takes a while to desensitize, especially with a herder and if they are allowed to chase and cause a commotion, it only reinforces that prey drive. Good luck with that! We have a new dog now and that's one of the many things we'll be training with her. So cute that your heeler is licking them and they are getting along. It's amazing the difference between dogs!
Hi everyone! I haven't been able to post lately, been busy with school and chickens, but something crazy is happening here. One of my guinea hens went broody on a nest I haven't found yet. I know she went broody because she was around the morning after she stayed out, but didn't range with the flock. She is one of my older birds and has gone broody before. I had 14 birds before she left, so I was down to 13. About a week later, a guinea entered the flock, so I had 14 again. At first I figured it was the broody hen returned, but as I looked over who was around, i soon realized that the broody is not one of the birds in the flock. I have no idea where the extra bird came from. Last night, I counted all fourteen when I put them in the coop, but this morning another guinea was outside! This one was one of my older birds, but not the broody! I don't know what is happening, but it appears that two new guineas decided to join my flock! I know another house on my road has chickens and ducks, but I don't think they have guineas. What is going on here?!!

Oh my gosh! It sounds like you must have a welcome mat out for the neighborhood and you don't even know it! That is really funny. I'm glad that you posted and I hope you get things figured out. Who know? Maybe everyone just decided to go on vacation at the same time. You must be running an Air B&B or Roost B&B. Sometimes my birds will visit a different coop and spend the night. You wonder what goes through their heads to make them do that. Enjoy!
Well, we have had some guinea excitement here. About a month ago, Sweetie Pie went broody on what I thought was about 6 eggs. Since broody hens in the barn get priority, I shooed everyone out and left her alone to hatch. Gee, was I surprised when she finally finished and there were 14 keets under her. She is such a good mama and I have @guineapeeps to thank for the support and information about how to guinea hens to brood in a safe place.
sweetie pie and keets.jpg
@HMurph if you decide to use a shock collar for your husky, let me know how that works for you.

Our first dog was similar to your husky in that she had a strong prey drive and was a herder. As I mentioned we used desensitizing techniques with her rather than a shock collar due to her fear aggression. If a dog has fear aggression or even mild aggression issues, a shock collar can increase the aggression and actually reinforce the behavior you are trying to extinguish.

We are considering the use of an E collar with our current dog - a bit different than a shock collar. Although it has the potential for a punishing shock if you chose to use that, it also has vibrations and beeps, just to get the dog's attention to cue into you.
Looking to attend a training session soon on that and will let you know what I think of it if you are interested. Always a balance keeping our fur babies around our feathered friends.
@GleenLee Thanks for the advice on first aide. I am stopping at TSC today so I will see if they have anything on my growing list of items.

I have just started on looking at collars for her and the E Collars have piqued my interest as well. I will have to talk it over with the hubby before I purchase. She does not show any signs of fear aggression so I think she will respond well. We have a couple more training opportunities for her as well with it. It really is a balance!

The ground coop came with our house and it is very handy to have. It has doors on the sides as well and keeps everyone protected from the wind and rain. We are almost done with a bigger coop for them so I will have to post pictures when it is all finished!
@GleenLee Thanks for the advice on first aide. I am stopping at TSC today so I will see if they have anything on my growing list of items.

I have just started on looking at collars for her and the E Collars have piqued my interest as well. I will have to talk it over with the hubby before I purchase. She does not show any signs of fear aggression so I think she will respond well. We have a couple more training opportunities for her as well with it. It really is a balance!

The ground coop came with our house and it is very handy to have. It has doors on the sides as well and keeps everyone protected from the wind and rain. We are almost done with a bigger coop for them so I will have to post pictures when it is all finished!

Oh good to hear that your Husky doesn't have any fear aggression issues. Keep us posted on her training and good luck with your Florence Nightingale purchases.
Hi all,
This week I will be getting 10 keets in the mail .I have a small dog pen for their first weeks, and started a small coop. Pic below. Any words of wisdom for a rookie? I know I need a lot of work on the coop still, but will basic design work?
Thanks, .Glenn

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