Guinea talk.

They aren't 10 weeks old .lol. 10 keets one week old .

If they are just going in there at night, they should be fine. It would be like their roosting area. The food and water could be removed if they are sleeping for the night and you were concerned about space.

If they are in an area for the day, I just eyeball how much space they are taking up. If it's only about a quarter of it or less, you would be okay. If they take up more than a quarter of the space, then there's not enough space.

Sure are cute!
@R2elk thanks for posting the pics. They are good ones to help ID keets. Especially needed since the Guinea Fowl International Website isn't available.
Actually it is now called the Helmeted Guinea Fowl Color Chart and has been back for awhile. The formatting has changed so you can't get an idea of what the guineas look like without clicking through to the actual images. The other sad part is that they turned control of the site over to a person who has decided they know more about guinea colors than what the conventional site listed. She has arbitrarily changed the names of some of the colors and has added colors that I have never heard of before. I would trust the colors as shown on the Guinea Farm better as to the names of the colors. Unfortunately their thumbnails are also really small and not capable of being expanded and now only include the ones they have for sale.
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Our original 14 keets from 5 weeks ago are now down to just 9. We believe it was hawks but I haven’t seen the attacks so I’m not positive. We’ve also had a fox take some bigger hens in the past few months.
On the bright side, the last broody hen hatched out her last egg yesterday. I just happened to be checking under hen when the chick popped out of the egg. It was exciting and scary at the same time. I was worried I might have disturbed it too much.
But it all worked out.


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@Dmontgomery what great photos you posted! Thanks for sharing. Very sorry to hear about your predator situation. It's tough losing them, especially when they hatched there at the homestead. You want them to always be there and be safe. Unfortunately, we'll never fully get rid of the predators and can only keep them at bay. How wonderful that you got a chance to see the hatching! What an amazing thing to see. I'll bet the grandkids are just thrilled with all the new critters there.

Our guinea hen who hatched the 14 keets flew the coop, literally! She flew into the screen and pushed it out of the window opening. Now that she has her freedom, she doesn't want any part of them! I'm transitioning the keets into a "look, but no interaction" phase and then I'll try free ranging them with the rest of the crew. Should be interesting!

I had a second nest of guinea eggs being set on by two females. Then my red English Orpington decided to go broody, so she pushed them out of the nest and has taken over. There are 23 eggs and they should be hatching in another week... YIKES!

Never a dull moment!
@Dmontgomery what great photos you posted! Thanks for sharing. Very sorry to hear about your predator situation. It's tough losing them, especially when they hatched there at the homestead. You want them to always be there and be safe. Unfortunately, we'll never fully get rid of the predators and can only keep them at bay. How wonderful that you got a chance to see the hatching! What an amazing thing to see. I'll bet the grandkids are just thrilled with all the new critters there.

Our guinea hen who hatched the 14 keets flew the coop, literally! She flew into the screen and pushed it out of the window opening. Now that she has her freedom, she doesn't want any part of them! I'm transitioning the keets into a "look, but no interaction" phase and then I'll try free ranging them with the rest of the crew. Should be interesting!

I had a second nest of guinea eggs being set on by two females. Then my red English Orpington decided to go broody, so she pushed them out of the nest and has taken over. There are 23 eggs and they should be hatching in another week... YIKES!

Never a dull moment!

Surprisingly my 78 year old father in law is more excited about all the new additions than the grandkids. He rides his golf cart down here almost everyday just to see the keets. He has hinted several times they he would like to have chickens at his house, but I would end up having to build the coop and care for the birds, so I ignore his hints.

The mama actually busted out a window screen to get away from the keets? Good lord...

I would love to see a big old fat Orpington try to keep up with 23 keets! She’s gonna be sorry she took on this task.
OMG - don't get into another coop and flock! Smart move! I think it's great that he visits you a la golf cart.

Yes, between the birds and the new dog, I never know what crazy things we're going to be dealing with. I'll let you know about that hatchlings. I may have to pull the keets so she doesn't imprint on them as mama. Although I don't think I'll be keeping them….

Hope the snakes have been held at bay there. I'll never forget your posts with the pics. Good for your wife for being willing to hold it up for a photo! She's a better woman than I am!
OMG - don't get into another coop and flock! Smart move! I think it's great that he visits you a la golf cart.

If I build a new coop, it will be for guineas. I realized the other day that I’ve taken over 120 photos of chickens and guineas since January 1, and none of my grandchildren! My priorities are all screwed up. I’m sick, I need help... LOL

Yes, between the birds and the new dog, I never know what crazy things we're going to be dealing with. I'll let you know about that hatchlings. I may have to pull the keets so she doesn't imprint on them as mama. Although I don't think I'll be keeping them….

I can’t imagine giving away the keets, but I guess if all 25 of ours had hatched and survived I wouldn’t have a choice. That’s why I’m mulling another coop build. It’s been 13 months since I built one! I’m having withdrawals.

Hope the snakes have been held at bay there. I'll never forget your posts with the pics. Good for your wife for being willing to hold it up for a photo! She's a better woman than I am!

We’ve only seen 1 this year, in the coop, and it was only about 4’ long. Gertrude alerted me to it when she and the keets were still locked in the first week. I got it before it did any damage.

How are things going with the new puppy?

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