Guinea talk.

I was sitting on the back porch this morning before church, when all 11 guineas starting screaming and running towards the front yard. I’m used to the screaming, but they usually do it just standing around. It caught my attention so I looked up to see them running towards a fox in the front yard! I don’t know if that’s brave or dumb but they chased it off before it got a chicken breakfast. The noise alerted the dogs, who then took up the chase. They came back about 30 minutes later, soaking wet but empty handed.

The “keets” are 16 weeks old today. When do I stop calling them keets?

Gertrude is up to 23 eggs in her nest. She goes in every morning about 11:30 to lay. That’s dedication because the heat index was still 107 the last 2 days. Gary and the keets follow her in each morning but get bored and leave her there after a while. Sometimes she will start calling and they all run back to the coop to see if she’s finished and ready to come back out.

I hope everybody had a good week.
WOW! :eek:

That is an amazing story @Dmontgomery. The only things my flock have chased are a woodchuck and a skunk. Maybe you could hire them out for predator control and make them earn their keep.

Migratory hawks here and also an increase in foxes and coyotes. Lost a couple of females and gained a few males - leftovers from my neighbor's flock.

Looking forward to your post of pics with those new keets D. Keep us posted.
Wow! That’s awesome. My keets alerted me to some stranger walking in the woods a month ago. We all have them so know how crazy they can sound but this was like SUPER crazy noise and there this dude was!
WOW! :eek:

That is an amazing story @Dmontgomery. The only things my flock have chased are a woodchuck and a skunk. Maybe you could hire them out for predator control and make them earn their keep.

Migratory hawks here and also an increase in foxes and coyotes. Lost a couple of females and gained a few males - leftovers from my neighbor's flock.

Looking forward to your post of pics with those new keets D. Keep us posted.

Gertrude abandoned her nest and 23 eggs a few days ago. We think she finally got so aggravated at other hens sitting on her and laying chicken eggs, that it wasn’t worth it to her anymore. That’s just the best reason we could figure out anyway.
We aren’t too disappointed, but my sister in law was looking forward to free guineas. We offered her the eggs but she wasn’t able to locate an incubator in time.
A broody hen in the box next to her started hatching her 5 eggs yesterday. 2 more hens are due to hatch theirs later this week. So we’ll still have lots of chicks running around.
Thank you all for your help with my guineas. Eleven weeks and only lost one. My puppy played too rough . They put themselves to bed, stay in the yard mostly, and keep everyone laughing .
Thank you all for your help with my guineas. Eleven weeks and only lost one. My puppy played too rough . They put themselves to bed, stay in the yard mostly, and keep everyone laughing .

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