guinea x chicken "cheet" - foot rotating out


Jul 15, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
Hi guys,

So my "cheet" is now 2 weeks 5 days old. It has had curled toes off the hop and even trying for 2 weeks straight I could not get them to fix - anytime a wrap was removed the toes would just reset. I decided to let it be - it was probably beyond fixing, and perhaps part of the reasoning is it's genetically messed up.

Now I notice that the left foot is starting to rotate to face outwards. This is obviously causing the cheet to struggle a bit more to walk in. Has anyone faced something similar?? Not sure how to even try to McGiver a fix for this, if it could even be fixed. I am capable of rotating the foot so it's in the proper position but it won't obviously stay that way. and in my head I can't think of a solution to force the foot to stay straight. I'm worried long-term this will not be viable for the bird.


Those are crooked toes, not curled toes on the right foot. Usually that's dues to genetics or poor incubation. Not correctable.

The left foot/leg looks to have a possible bone deformity, probably not correctable either.
Thank you for the reply. The toes were gradually worsening and weren't as bad at the start. The left foot it's a newer thing - the foot wasn't rotated in like this when it was younger so I'm not sure if it's trying to counteract the effects of the crooked toes and making things worse for itself or not but I fear it's just going to get worse and that it may rotate even further.
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Thank you for the reply. The toes were gradually worsening and weren't as bad at the start. The left foot it's a newer thing - the foot wasn't rotated in like this when it was younger so I'm not sure if it's trying to counteract the effects of the crooked toes and making things worse for itself or not but I fear it's just going to get worse and that it may rotate even further.
Sometimes leg deformities don't really start showing up until they are a few weeks old and begin to gain weight.
I'm sorry about the little one, sure is cute!

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