Guineas and chickens not getting along. Any ideas???


5 Years
Jan 31, 2015
Have 15 guineas and 10 chickens and the guineas case the chickens around the yard and even 4 or more pin them down. Any ideas???
I have 19 chickens and 6 guineas, and the guineas still chase the chickens and attack them. I haven't found a way to stop it yet.
I have four guineas with 52 chickens and the guineas harass the chickens. I actually penned the guineas for the time being.

I'm selling the guineas just to bring peace to the chickens. And

*I should also note that these guineas were purchased as chicks and raised with the chickens.
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I have four guineas with 52 chickens and the guineas harass the chickens. I actually penned the guineas for the time being.

I'm selling the guineas just to bring peace to the chickens. And 

*I should also note that these guineas were purchased as chicks and raised with the chickens.

That is a good point, mine were also raised with the chickens from chicks. I have also noticed that the male guineas tend to be the aggressors.
We raised our two guineas with our chickens. The female was a sweetheart, but the male attacked all of our chickens (we have 13) and the female guinea. We had to kill them both because the chickens were so afraid of the guineas and the female would be depressed with the male. I don't want to make people scared of guineas or start any arguments, but I don't know if getting more chickens will help. :( Hopefully you can get this all worked out though.
I just had to separate my guineas from the chickens and ducks today, the male was so aggressive that I was constantly hearing cries from my chickens. The last straw was when all of my hens refused to go into the run and hid behind and under whatever they could to get away from him. I hope to be able to keep the females, but the males are much too aggressive, and I can not have them hurting my hens. The males are also the ones who tend to roam, and the females follow, which our one neighbor isn't a fan of.
I just had to separate my guineas from the chickens and ducks today, the male was so aggressive that I was constantly hearing cries from my chickens. The last straw was when all of my hens refused to go into the run and hid behind and under whatever they could to get away from him. I hope to be able to keep the females, but the males are much too aggressive, and I can not have them hurting my hens. The males are also the ones who tend to roam, and the females follow, which our one neighbor isn't a fan of.

I'm so sorry that you had to separate your guineas and that things didn't work out. I'm sure your chickens and ducks are relieved! I know mine sure were.

I don't know if my males were more aggressive than my me, they all appeared to be equally I let mine out to free range the last nice day we got. But it didn't matter how much room they had, as soon as they were out they were lunging at each other...and then lunging at the hens and pulling feathers. So frustrating!

I'm really fortunate that we can herd our guineas and they scoot right back into crate/kennel I'm using to keep them at the moment.

I did trim their toenails the other night and two tried to bite me continually. I was a bit surprised because I never thought they'd
(I was wearing gloves)

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