Guineas going in the road!!


Jul 23, 2020
First time raising guinea fowl. We have 5 guineas and just this week started going on the road. I chased them back into the yard twice just this morning. Question is, will they learn their boundaries if I continue chasing them back into the yard? We really enjoy having them and don't want them killed on the road or cause an accident.
Any suggestions?
First time raising guinea fowl. We have 5 guineas and just this week started going on the road. I chased them back into the yard twice just this morning. Question is, will they learn their boundaries if I continue chasing them back into the yard? We really enjoy having them and don't want them killed on the road or cause an accident.
Any suggestions?
With sufficient training, your guineas will avoid the road. You not only need to herd them away from the road but to make it very uncomfortable for the to go that direction. Anytime that you see them even heading in the direction of the road, scare them away from it.

I have no issues with my guineas going on the road and I am the SW corner of a road intersection. There is a road on both my north and east boundaries.
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With sufficient raining, your guineas will avoid the road. You not only need to herd them away from the road but to make it very uncomfortable for the to go that direction. Anytime that you see them even heading in the direction of the road, scare them away from it.

I have no issues with my guineas going on the road and I am the SW corner of a road intersection. There is a road on both my north and east boundaries.

I will keep doing what I'm doing consistently. I also thought about putting an owl on the light pole located in the ditch, right where they like to wander. Would this deter them from going in that direction to begin with?
You didn't mention age of guineas. Mine happily wandered around the yard until this 1st mating season kicked in. Then the girls led the boys all over the place looking for the "perfect place" to make a nest. It was cute, until I lost 2.
I now keep the remaining female locked up. She has her choice of the run or a kennel, but she doesn't get to roam free, and my boys are back to staying in the yard. She's not much bothered by it, the boys are content, and I'm not scooping remains out of the road or finding nests of nothing but shattered shells.
I will keep doing what I'm doing consistently. I also thought about putting an owl on the light pole located in the ditch, right where they like to wander. Would this deter them from going in that direction to begin with?
It may or may not. My guineas totally ignore the Great Horned Owl when it roosts here during the daytime.
I also had a terrible time with roads this past spring. I tried Bennie’s suggestion of a silt fence at their favorite crossing points, and I think it’s been helping.... If I think they are going to the road, I also head over with an umbrella and open it towards them if they cross the forbidden zone...


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