Guineas won't go in their coop all of a sudden!


Jun 16, 2017
Northwest Wisconson
The guineas faithfully go in the coop every night. But this last week, they refuse. The first night I was able to get a few in. But the last 2 nights none. I am thinking something scared them? Did something get in there during the day? To hot? I have gone over it and there is no evidence of anything. No wasps, no snakes...So how do I get them to go back in? They do go in and out throughout the day. I tried feeding them just before dusk in the coop, but that didn't work.
I really was counting on them to show the 35 new babies the ropes. Looks like now I will have to lock down the coop and put a run back up for the new ones so they know where home is. But then what to do with the adults...They are impossible to catch, just fly up in the trees.
I have a trail cam up now, hoping to see if something is coming in at night, a fox or racoon. Just looking for some ideas I guess on how to get them back in the coop.
Guinea fowl are an absolute enigma to me. I have never been able to figure out why they do the things that they do. I do know that once they make up their mind about something it is near impossible to correct. I'd try letting them get hungry then providing feed in the coop and locking them up when they go to eat. The trail cam is a good idea.
Guinea fowl are an absolute enigma to me. I have never been able to figure out why they do the things that they do. I do know that once they make up their mind about something it is near impossible to correct. I'd try letting them get hungry then providing feed in the coop and locking them up when they go to eat. The trail cam is a good idea.
Ya, don't feed em till they come in the coop. I have been feeding my birds only once or twice a day and they come a running.
I keep feed available to my guineas all the time. Their feeder is in their coop so if they want fed they have to go into the coop.
I was doing that as well, but here lately I just throw some feed in an old crock in the morning and set it in the yard. They can eat off it all day. I have a pvc feeder for the coop when I'm away.
Yes, mine left their home as well this summer about 3 weeks ago. A pair had left earlier and then they all left. They come home a couple of times a day. Today some went back into their house so we locked them up, due to coyotes moving in area. I figured that they were mating and that's why they left, they also love to sleep in the trees.

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