

In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 5, 2013
I have 22 guineas and 28 Cornish in separate brooders. The Cornish are neat and tidy, not a lot of issues with food or water. The guineas on the other hand will almost immediately throw all their feed on the floor. They not only get bedding in their water but seem to poop directly in it more so than the Cornish. Is this normal? I've never raised chickens before but comparing the two the guineas seem like a difficult and odd bird.
I filled their feed jars an hour ago and they're both emptied out on the floor. The guinea's food, not the Cornish.
We raised Guineas before and they tend to be wilder than normal domestic chickens. Ours would roost in the trees outside or our coop, fly over our fences and get into our neighbors yards and lay eggs in bushes, weeds, or wherever. We were never able to collect any of their eggs because we couldn't find them until they had abandoned the nest or got eaten by a predator trying to protect it. They do eat bugs like crazy so my husband loved them. They can be VERY noisy. We ended up getting rid of ours because they kept pulling all of our Barred Rock roosters tail feathers out. Some people love them, some don't. It just depends on what you want and why. Good Luck with them.
These are definitely a bunch of weirdos. We got them mainly for the ticks so once they're out of the brooder there'll be food/water available and they can do whatever they want. I think I'm done filling their jars as much as I do. If you want to throw your food all over eventually you should get hungry and eat it?
I hope you have a lot of land!!! 22? WOW!!! I had 4 that I got for the same purpose.... I also had to get rid of mine... They did what they wanted no matter how I tried to train them to roost or come in at night. I can't count how many times I was out in my PJs rounding the 4 of them up.... I had to get rid of them also because they were mean to my hens and nobody messes with my girls... I think they stressed one out so much that she eventually got very sick and had to be put down. On the other hand, they are beautiful and hilarious to watch. They could be very messy and stinky! Good Luck!
We're on 16 wooded acres. I bought hanging feeders/waterers today, I hope that helps. I'm amazed at the difference between the guineas and the Cornish. Once they start free ranging I will provide them with food/water/shelter, they can take it or leave it I'm not going to fight with them.
Pelleted food helps with the mess. I got them for sounding the alarm and bug control. Their eggs are good, but not better than pastured chicken eggs. I personally do not care for them and would get rid of them if I made time to catch them. So I probably will not replenish their flock if they disappear.
What age can you start feeding pelleted feed? Mine are around 4 weeks. It's probably not as bad as I make it out but every time I go out I'm like "you've got to be kidding me." I check my Cornish 4-5 times a day but they'd be fine with once in the morning and once at night.
I hope you have a lot of land!!! 22? WOW!!! I had 4 that I got for the same purpose.... I also had to get rid of mine... They did what they wanted no matter how I tried to train them to roost or come in at night. I can't count how many times I was out in my PJs rounding the 4 of them up.... I had to get rid of them also because they were mean to my hens and nobody messes with my girls... I think they stressed one out so much that she eventually got very sick and had to be put down. On the other hand, they are beautiful and hilarious to watch. They could be very messy and stinky! Good Luck!
OMG!! I'm sorry, but I laughed so hard when I read this. For some reason, I remember being in my PJ's and chasing ours as well one time. I don't remember why, but glad I'm not the only one.

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