Had 1 hatch at day 20 and none on day 21. Whats with that?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 2, 2008
40-60% humidity on day 18. Havent opened seance day 18. 99.5 with water wiggle. 16 eggs all candled alive on day 14.

The trick is to keep the eggs until you know they are beyond rotten and you are sure they aren't hatching at all!!!

I hope all goes well for you, and if they do hatch, send in pictures.
I most always have one or on day 20 that can be kinda normal. im on day 22 now and finaly have a pip they started singing last night. i belive i will run this hatch to day 24 or 25 just in case. What day are you on now? good luck
This is day 22 but what about the one inside. He is going on 4 days with not food or water now. Should I open and take him out?
You can probably snatch him out quick enough that you won't affect the environment in the bator. I usually start taking them out after a day or 2 if I can do it quickly
as soon as mine are dry and moveing good i move thelm out quickly and dip the beek in water so they can drink dont take to long you will be fine.
I moved the one. Goin to give the others 3-4 more days. I have the worst luck when it comes to incubating!
Still no new ones. I get the gut feeling that once I added water on day 18 to raise the humidity from 20% to where it is now 40's. They have drowned.
Well, I guess that's what I'm doing.

I kept the humidity at about 45% the first 18 days... had some nice air cells.

Now, I try to up the humidity and I can't get it down. Up to 75 and it just won't go back down.

Oh well.

I tried. Killed three chicks today before and after candling... 2 eggs had what looked like air cells on both ends. Both were very alive and well. 1 was dropped and cracked and it was alive too.
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