had t cull my rooster this evening

bj taylor

8 Years
Oct 28, 2011
North Central Texas
this was so hard to do. he was a year old. he was so brutal to the girls he was tearing them up. he was never mean to people - very stand-offish, but never once offered to attack.
I just couldn't let them keep being hurt by him. this is a part of keeping animals I hate.
I had to do the same last year for the same reason. He turned into a jerk after about a year but that didn't make the deed enjoyable.

Even when I'm 100% sure that it's the right thing to do, it's still difficult.

Then I saw how my girls became calm and seemed much happier within days. A whole new dynamic in the flock after the tyrant was gone.

Chicken saddles can help too.
We do what we have to do. A large or clumsy rooster can do serious damage to a hen - been there, had to do that.
I am sorry you had to do this. I've had to do it as well and it isn't easy. Thank you for having the courage to do what's right to make life so much better for your hens.
I had a stalker roo a few years ago. Like yours, he never looked twice at me, but he had two hens completely terrorized. They hid under the porch, he'd sit on the porch and wait for them. Then it was hens screaming and feathers everywhere.

He tasted great.
I had a tiny little rooster who was just as mean as he could be, but he was so small he couldn't hurt the hen he was with, he just annoyed her to no end. One day he had the bright idea to attack my lab mix dog's face, and lets just say he was puppy chow. The hen was so much happier once he was gone though. She enjoyed herself much more, and even became friendly. You did the right thing

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