HALLELUJAH!! The wait is over...

As I look at them today, I think pink was the wrong color. Today the two seem to have a green tint, sorta like a duck egg. the rest are definitely brown.

I know I an rattling 0n about these stupid eggs. BUT it is an exciting time here for us!

The picture color is slightly off. But the specks show up pretty good on the one. I wish I knew which chicken lays which egg. It would make culling easier.

Looking at the size and color progression i am not to sure that you have more than one pullet laying. Eggs getting larger with each lay and the color slowly changing can happen while the new layer gets the kinks out. I would wait to see if you get more than one egg a day.

In any case this is a great page that will help you figure out what pullet(s) are laying. http://vomitingchicken.com/solve-the-mystery-which-hens-are-laying/
Yes, I agree! I had to compare my first eggs last year to a chart to figure out who was laying what. Only the blue egg was a no brainer :).

This year, I have two new breeds along with one Ameraucana Pullet and one RIR pullet (the newbies are cochins and buff brahmas) - so I am sure I can figure out whose eggs are whose when they get started. They are squatting and getting red in the face and wattles, so it should not be too much longer. Of my three older hens, only my RIR is still producing as my two buffs are molting. I'm hoping the pullets will start soon, or I may be forced to buy some eggs - something I haven't done since August of 2013!

Watch your girls if you free range! I had a flock of 9, and I am down to 3. Something got my faithful, producing Easter Egger hen on Sunday. Boy, was I mad!! They are all locked up in the new coop - I told my husband we had to finish it TODAY as we could not lose any more producing hens!
Looking at the size and color progression i am not to sure that you have more than one pullet laying. Eggs getting larger with each lay and the color slowly changing can happen while the new layer gets the kinks out. I would wait to see if you get more than one egg a day.

In any case this is a great page that will help you figure out what pullet(s) are laying. http://vomitingchicken.com/solve-the-mystery-which-hens-are-laying/


I assumed I had 4 in that nest.

If that is only one hen, I have a bunch of nests somewhere. They will be moving into a new coop this weekend. That should help. I did get 2 eggs the other day, but one was just dropped in the yard where my wife found it.

I did not know eggs got darker or changed. I always thought they were always the same color. The eggs are all the same size, the size difference in the picture is an optical illusion from my terrible camera work, sorry.

Thanks for the link! I was worried sick about accidentally culling a laying chicken!
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I got 2 eggs this morning!

The chickens have been out of the coop for about 3 hours now. As soon as I let them out one RSL hen ran to the nest. No idea who the other one is.

I had a lighter egg and a medium brown egg like the top two rows in the picture.

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