Hand feeding treats to train?

I want to add that it isn't a now or never situation, either. I have had some chicks that were skittish and fearful but every single one calmed down enough as they reached laying age that I could get them to eat from a hand.

I also trained mine to return to their coop for scratch. I have a cast iron ornamental bell on the coop. That sucker is loud! I started by ringing it and then tossing scratch into the run before they'd ever gone out to range. Repeated a couple times a day for a week or so. Then, I opened the gate and let them explore a while near dusk figuring they'd return to sleep if it didn't work. I rang the bell and threw in the scratch and was so happy when I simply needed to close the gate behind them. Now I can let them run whenever and they'll return for scratch when the bell rings no matter who does the ringing, what time of day it is, or how far they've wandered.

That's awesome. I want a bell now.
Our treat word is 'chicken bog'. When we use it, they scatter and hide. but any other word, not an issue, 'chicken' doesn't scare them, but 'chicken bog' does. lol.

I wonder why? I'd love to be able to teach mine to hide. Because there are times the head rooster goes off with some and leaves the rooster of questionable competence with the rest.
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I wonder why? I'd love to be able to teach mine to hide. Because there are times the head rooster goes off with some and leaves the rooster of questionable competence with the rest.

The low-pitched trill for aerial alert isn't difficult to replicate if you can roll an R sound.

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