Hands on hatching and help

Guys I can't get live ducks. 3 dead yolk. How do I fix the dog house and older ducks. I sprayed the coop down washed everything out there applied bug spray around where I could away from my eggs ditmacious earth. These ants drive me crazy. How can I help them.
I added some water and I'm at 58% now. It got a little more active after that and it broke through a little more of the shell. There's no way I'm getting any sleep tonight!
This is what my husband says I look like right now...

Hi veteran helpers!

I'm on day 22 of my first incubation and - of 18 eggs - only one has pipped, and this pipper has been slloooow. How much more should I help it along?

After some fixing some humidity issues, this chick has been working 36 hours. Considering the conditions, I have flaked obvious pieces of shell and stopped when I saw some bloodvessels (but no bleeding) by the head and back. Is it OK to continue if there are some bloodvessels in the shell, or do I have to wait for those to be absorbed?

It is alive, but just does not seem to be working effectively anymore. Just chirps endlessly, and strains. I would say the part without a shell is the size of a silver dollar.
Hi veteran helpers!

I'm on day 22 of my first incubation and - of 18 eggs - only one has pipped, and this pipper has been slloooow. How much more should I help it along?

After some fixing some humidity issues, this chick has been working 36 hours. Considering the conditions, I have flaked obvious pieces of shell and stopped when I saw some bloodvessels (but no bleeding) by the head and back. Is it OK to continue if there are some bloodvessels in the shell, or do I have to wait for those to be absorbed?

It is alive, but just does not seem to be working effectively anymore. Just chirps endlessly, and strains. I would say the part without a shell is the size of a silver dollar.
Are the veins hair like width or are they prominent veining? Even a ready to hatch chick can have very thin hairlike veining left in the membranes. Anything more than that and I would wait, but at 36 hours I wouldn't expect heavy veining at least in the upper part of the egg, maybe at the bottom, but not at the top.
Blooie's stupid question of the week. <sigh, YES, again!!) Ken and I have to go out of town Friday afternoon and be gone overnight. I would have had Katie come over and turn eggs, but she informed me today that she's scared to do it. She was fine when all the eggs were standing up in the Brinsea before and we just rotated the entire incubator from side to side, but she knows she's a bit of a clutz and the thought of picking up these and turning them by hand terrifies her. Kids with Autism can sometimes pick odd things to fixate on, and this is hers. I DO NOT want to push her, if you get my drift. This is the kid who can take care of the entire coop and run by herself for a week, doing everything from feeding and cleaning to gathering eggs and even letting them out for bit of free time and getting them back in, so it's not that she's afraid of a little work. She's genuinely afraid she'll break one.

So my question... tomorrow starts day 7. Will I do harm to the embryos if they go what amounts to about 24 to 26 hours without being turned? I hate to do it, but Bug is all I have to take care of things and I don't want to traumatize her. She already feels like she's letting "her chicks" down but we tried it tonight and her arms started doing their flap thing....
I wouldn't force an autism child. My older son nineteen has it . Some days he is fine and a big help other days he is not. I get that, do you have a neighbor or friend to help maybe a relative . Who can turn eggs while your gone. I was in a little situation similar when I was in hospital 6 times these year with eggs.!it didn't go will with no one here to hold the fort 5 times gone 24 hrs the sixth time I was in hospital 3 days.

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