Hands on hatching and help

What do you think about tying a thread around it ti get it to fall off faster? I haven't done it yet, just considering because I don't want to keep that thing around too long.
Trying to catch up on the threads, but I've missed some.
Let me see a pic of it, and I can help you decide where to tie it off.
True and by the time it finished hatching it was too late. What I did was cut the shell off because it was still attached, put mupricon on it and try to push it in. When it wouldn't go in I put it back in the bator alone to see what happened. Not it is with the others and the ball looks better to me.
Ok well you never want to take the shell off, Your best bet was to do something like this:

YES that's right, you put him in a cup, the idea is to apply pressure in the navel area to help push it up and he can absorb. The BEST thing about this, is you don't even have to check on him to see if he is completely done. Why?

because he will CLIMB out of the cup when he's READY... This would have been an option, I would have had you do..
Ok well you never want to take the shell off, Your best bet was to do something like this: YES that's right, you put him in a cup, the idea is to apply pressure in the navel area to help push it up and he can absorb. The BEST thing about this, is you don't even have to check on him to see if he is completely done. Why? because he will CLIMB out of the cup when he's READY... This would have been an option, I would have had you do..
I stayed up with it till after 2 am and it hatched probably some time shortly after that. I got up around 7 and it was walking around dragging the shell so it looked like the shell might have been pulling it making it worse. If I could post pics I would but trying to add them is not working for me. It looks like a small dried nub now.
I stayed up with it till after 2 am and it hatched probably some time shortly after that. I got up around 7 and it was walking around dragging the shell so it looked like the shell might have been pulling it making it worse. If I could post pics I would but trying to add them is not working for me. It looks like a small dried nub now.
OK so if he's dragging it around like LUGGAGE, then you should be OK to cut it loose, I thought somewhere I read there was still yolk attached??

can you send a pic by text??
You have to click the nonsense letters then choose to view the image. I had just put fresh mupiricon on it
Sounds like the first one quit on you, the second one, sounds like he ran out of air. Poor things, Sorry for you loss...

Thanks. It made me sad to see that little chick all ready to hatch, somehow unable to get out of its shell. I just bought a mini combo humidity and temperature sensor to put in my incubator to test temp. I have a suspicion it is calibrated incorrectly.

Trying to talk myself out of a 3rd batch of eggs just to see what works...
WOW for a BABY chick? I ran my lockdown at 80% for some call ducks, YES, waterfowl, GUESS WHAT happened. ALL 10 eggs GONE, they all died. Humidity was to HIGH. There's only ONE time when I will raise it at 80 ever and that is when they get sticky.


But for chicks I don't see the purpose of having it so high, they hatch any ways. i have some hatching right now, I have ZERO water in this bator. One is out and three others have externally pipped..
Yes. I am a meddler, so I run at 75% to give myself the reassurance that the humidity won't drop to nothing and the air won't interefere when I meddle. Once they start hatching it often shoots up to 80-90%. Doesn't bother me or the chicks a bit, I just use that opportunity to pull chicks, eggs, roll pippers, whatever. Works like a charm. The only thing the higher humidity does is prevent them from fluffing if you leave them in, but I don't. 90-100% hatches on my own or local eggs. (Haven't done shipped yet. I will be starting my first experience with that this week.) Can't beat good hatches.

That's why the hatcher's habits and comfort level really play a part in giving advice, I feel. I always tell people, if you are hands off you can run at 60-65% during hatch successfully. I would never recommed someone who's hands on to run at 60%. Could they successfully have hatchers, sure they could, but there's more of a "risk" of the air coming in drying out the area around the pip and any moisture and turning it to glue and then you're going to be looking at more assisted hatching. I don't believe that high humidity is a threatening factor at hatch unless you're getting condensation and the air is so damp/wet that they are going to literally be breathing in a tropical rainforest atmosphere. But I don't have to worry about that cause I'm a meddler....lol

I read the "step by step guide to assisted hatching" article you see in this topic. It says the mal positioned chick can have trouble absorbing the yolk and that is why I waited. It has some good pics in that article.
I figured that's what you were trying to say.

Your humidity was at 65 + The entire time? Or just for Lockdown?

I stayed up with it till after 2 am and it hatched probably some time shortly after that. I got up around 7 and it was walking around dragging the shell so it looked like the shell might have been pulling it making it worse. If I could post pics I would but trying to add them is not working for me. It looks like a small dried nub now.
It's probably just the membrane around the yolk that's left. After my little guy absorbed his yolk he had a tiny ball left that dried up tight against the "navel" and after a couple days fell off at a touch.

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