Hands on hatching and help

Big props to @AmyLynn2374 and @RubyNala97 and he said she said, great ideas from you guys. Plus this thread. Enjoy being able to meddle "better". I've raised my humidity, changed my turning and a few other things and this incubation is already progressing better than others!!

@casportpony how could you tell it was malpositioned and time to pip? I've only had 1 malposition and I didn't know. What should I have looked for?
I'm pretty sure that it pipped itself.
My very first maleposition was a FIVE. Little toes wiggled at me from above her beak...lol I knew then that she wasn't getting out w/o help. She's now a year and 4 months old an an excellent layer.

Now, I'm no expert but seems to me there's a whole lotta chicks out there who didn't read the article.
I know!! We do our research you'd think they could do theirs...lol
It's probably just the membrane around the yolk that's left. After my little guy absorbed his yolk he had a tiny ball left that dried up tight against the "navel" and after a couple days fell off at a touch.
I think so too. It is a hard little bead now that looks much better than yesterday. Definitely not moist or gunky. Thanks for your help.

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