Hands on hatching and help

Thank you everyone for the comments on my little boy, Jesse. It was a rough night. Did not get home till 4 am. They had to re-align the bones before putting the cast on and it was just me and the dr in the room. I had to help with the whole process. It was an experience. Thankfully, Jesse does not remember any of it. They gave him a light sedative. And he's doing very good today. Only needed 1 Advil so far. Real bummer is no swimming for 6-8 weeks and summer vacation starts in 10 days!
Here's my champ waiting in the hospital...they sent us down to NYC, not an enjoyable drive when you're sleep deprived!
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Thank you everyone for the comments on my little boy, Jesse. It was a rough night. Did not get home till 4 am. They had to re-align the bones before putting the cast on and it was just me and the dr in the room. I had to help with the whole process. It was an experience. Thankfully, Jesse does not remember any of it. They gave him a light sedative. And he's doing very good today. Only needed 1 Advil so far. Real bummer is no swimming for 6-8 weeks and summer vacation starts in 10 days!
Here's my champ waiting in the hospital...they sent us down to NYC, not an enjoyable drive when you're sleep deprived!

Glad to hear he is doing well. Id be so bummed if I couldn't swim this summer lol. Id just stick it in a plastic bag and wade up to my waist lol...
Thank you everyone for the comments on my little boy, Jesse. It was a rough night. Did not get home till 4 am. They had to re-align the bones before putting the cast on and it was just me and the dr in the room. I had to help with the whole process. It was an experience. Thankfully, Jesse does not remember any of it. They gave him a light sedative. And he's doing very good today. Only needed 1 Advil so far. Real bummer is no swimming for 6-8 weeks and summer vacation starts in 10 days!
Here's my champ waiting in the hospital...they sent us down to NYC, not an enjoyable drive when you're sleep deprived!
Aww. That does suck! Best wishes buddy!!!

The reddish brown one is a Cherry Egger

Aww, so cute! Do they lay pink eggs?

Glad to hear he is doing well. Id be so bummed if I couldn't swim this summer lol. Id just stick it in a plastic bag and wade up to my waist lol...

A lot of people have said that! But this is my super clumsy boy and I just have a feeling he would fall over and the bag wouldn't be tight enough or something and we'd be going back to the ER! I can see it all now....lol.
Aww, so cute! Do they lay pink eggs?
A lot of people have said that! But this is my super clumsy boy and I just have a feeling he would fall over and the bag wouldn't be tight enough or something and we'd be going back to the ER! I can see it all now....lol.
So glad you guys made it through the ordeal and that he is feeling better! (And super glad he didn't need pins!)

:frow   Welcome to the thread!!!  Good luck on your hatch!!! I still get excited with every hatch!

Thanks!!! I took the kids to their ball games and to get ice cream since they won and came home just in time to watch the first chick hatch! That was so amazing! I may become addicted to incubating lol
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