Hands on hatching and help

I would re-calibrate your thermometer just to be safe. Sometimes they get out of whack even if you re-calibrated it right before hatch. Your incubator is forced air?
Actually it's still air. It has a digital thermometer but I had a glass thermometer in there to double check. I think I'll throw another thermometer in there, just to be safe!!
It makes no sense to me cause they were together from the beginning. Maybe cause I removed her the other hen got territory obsessed. Ugh
Mine were all together from the beginning too, but once they hit puberty started maturing, it didn't seem to matter. It was a fight for dominance.

Oh and one of my shipped call duck eggs externally pipped!!

It's that time already???? Cool!!! Maybe Mavis will get some friends!
I don't think so but I'm not positive, I've never candled one that was internally pipped before. I'm a total newbie at this hatching thing. The only other eggs I've had hatch were with a broody hen and I only candles those a hand full of times.

Sday615, Don't feel bad--- I am Not newbie and I Have Never Candled a egg and seen a internal pip-----I have candled 1000's and 1000's and 1000's and have had as many as 949 eggs incubating in the incubator at one time and I Have set 72 broody hens in just the past year or so and I have never even looked to see if there was a internal pip----never had the desire to look for that.
Good morning! I had my first hatch ever this weekend and I loved every minute of it. I had 3/5 eggs hatch (I'm pretty sure the 5th egg hasn't been viable since the day of "lockdown" but it's a dark shell and I wasn't positive so I didn't want to toss it if it was still good) 2 are great and in the brooder, the third didn't make it :( it died while hatching. Now I have one left that's still wiggling around in there even though today's the third day past their due date!? The last one didn't start zipping till Saturday afternoon but all 3 had pipped by Friday morning and this one hasn't even pipped yet! Anyone else have stragglers? I'm really rooting for this chick to make it! I just sit and stare at it wiggling around in the incubator lol
Congrats!! I hope the last one decides to make its appearance soon!!
A few of my 2-week old Seramas
:love aww they are really cute!
Hen died. She didn't make it through the night. ...Sigh 3 Sebrights made it and they're doing well.
So sorry about your hen
Geez day 19 of incubation feels like week 40 of pregnancy lol. It's almost here. Waited all this time but now I can't seem to wait lol..


Ugh how awful. :( I had some wyandottes that became really aggressive when 8 brought in some new chicks. I had to find them new homes because it was so bad. My easter eggers aren't that way. Maybe it has to do with breed?

My EE hen is the one who attacked my black Australorp while I was doctoring her. I have no idea what possessed her to bolt into the isolation area with intent to hurt her. These are both typically really sweet and laid back hens.

Good luck!! I'm trying to be hands off as well because of humidity issues..... This new bator is gonna need some kinks pounded out of it!

Did you end up blocking off some of the ventilation holes get your humidity to go up?

Oh and one of my shipped call duck eggs externally pipped!! :weee

Yay! Love the Calls!
I've been wanting ducks (especially Calls) for awhile and unfortunately, I've been "asked" to wait until DH has time to build a dedicated duck area
So I'm watching and learning from you and the other duck hatchers here so when I get the green light for ducks I'll be ready lol.

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