Hands on hatching and help

Nevermind, she's free!

Thank you so much for the pic. Still nothing but now I know not to worry as much until tomorrow. Now I know exactly what to look for if necessary. My only problem now is we are haiving a storm out of nowhere and people are posting on facebook about power outages in the area. So far all is good here. Any day but hatch day..... Sigh
Well, I lost my first hen last week.  In the two years since I started hatching and raising chickens I have never lost one of my flock other than Peep and we were lucky to have him for the year and a half we did.  I had a friend over visiting and we were outside talking and my little white hen (about 1 year old) came over and just stood in front of me with her eyes closed. I pet her picked her up and she'd just close her eyes. No other signs or symptoms. No running eyes or nose, no open sores or cuts. Breathing perfectly normal. Just very lethargic. Now I don't feel up my chicks, so knowing what "eggbound" feels like doesn't come natural to me. ;)   But I thought I could feel a lump under there so I treated her for being egg bound, had her secluded in a cage -covered so it was dark and quiet, but nothing. Just a sleepy, non active hen.  She died about 24 hours after I noticed something wasn't right.

In happier news I moved out the pet quality silkies and barnyard roo this week. I moved the other four (these are my original flock and the oldest of my girls) to the other coop, and cleaned and put down fresh bedding and got the little silkies out to the coop. They look so adorable and have so much room now.  I want to get pics today or tomorrow. I still have to fix the fencing around the run where the big ones made escape routes under the fence, and then they can have access to the run as well.

I'm in the middle of trying to integrate the little Spitzhaubens in the main coop and getting ready to try to break all the crazy broodies that are in there. I think I'm up to four now. Have I ever mentioned I didn't like broodiness??? So I have to set up a couple cages today for them. 

On top of all the chicken stuff, I'm also trying to plan out my father's 85th birthday BBQ for next month and get the house in order for that. (We have a lot of crap in this place we don't need. And my son'ts toys...omg....he could make some needy kids very happy with half this crap that is filling my upstairs.) I do think I know what I am doing for his cake though. Just hope it comes out in reality like it lookds in my head. lol  

And that's my update for now.

So sorry about your hen :hugs
You've got a lot on your plate for sure! Wow do I know what you mean about the toys. All the different ones they can accumulate as they grow is unreal. I've found the same problem with their outgrown clothes. I have bags and totes full of them. Come to think of it- I have quite a bit of my own that I've outgrown lol. But "maybe I'll fit in that again someday"
Alright, my malpositioned chick is out and looks great! But as all of this was happening, I didn't realize that a second chick had pipped and her membrane dried out! So I ended up basically doing a c-section on both eggs after they got stuck and "shrink-wrapped" inside.
That was last night. This morning, though, both chicks are still happily running around but neither has dried or fluffed. Should they be fluffed by now? (Around 10 hours later.)
Alright, my malpositioned chick is out and looks great! But as all of this was happening, I didn't realize that a second chick had pipped and her membrane dried out! So I ended up basically doing a c-section on both eggs after they got stuck and "shrink-wrapped" inside.
That was last night. This morning, though, both chicks are still happily running around but neither has dried or fluffed. Should they be fluffed by now? (Around 10 hours later.)

Did you happen to wipe them down with a washcloth after the assist? They might still have some sticky residue on them. I just use warm water and then towel dry before placing back under the heat. You do want to work somewhat quickly so they don't get cold.
I think with everything I had going on this past week I forgot to post an update on my hatch! I ended up with 8 Splash Marans from the shipped eggs, 2 blue coppers and 1
Mille/calico bantam from my birds
No assists needed this time! Everyone did great on their own!

I had a very rough day Saturday. As some of you know, I was treating our almost 40 year old pony for pneumonia and she collapsed Saturday
We had the vet out and since she was fighting we did everything we could to give her a chance. The vet was here almost 3 1/2 hours and after IV fluids, ultrasound, meds and getting her back on her feet we were all exhausted but hopeful. Unfortunately, she went down a couple of hours later and the vet had to return and we weren't able to do anything more for her. Her body was shutting down. So that was a difficult goodbye.

On a better note, our prolapsed Cochin seems to be getting better day by day. Poor thing had the flies get to her while in isolation and she had maggots starting to attack the skin under the vent but we caught it early and they have not returned. I have the light off in her area now which seems to be keeping the flies away. The prolapse is still not staying in all day but it's much much smaller and the tissue is healthy so we will keep working on it. :fl

And last but not least, I have a few eggs on day 12

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