Hands on hatching and help


I started an assisted hatch yesterday at about 5 pm- that was day 25. We just opened up the shell at the air cell wide enough to see that he was just a bit behind and seemed to be doing well. It is now 12:30 on day 26 and he's very active- the problem is is that he is trying to break out but there are still a few veins, which has caused a few little blood pools to form.

If I hadn't assisted I would assume that he knew what he was doing, but I'm worried I confused him and he is breaking out too early. It's my first hatch (as you can probably tell) so I'm not sure what to do... does anyone have any advice?

This is a duck I assume? Best thing to do is leave it be otherwise it will bleed out. I made this mistake with my first hatch thinking it was stuck and I done more damage. Moisten the membrane with coconut oil or Vaseline and let it do its thing
Just wanted to say thanks again! Our new little duckling is doing great and is so cute hubby said I can keep it in house brooder lol. I did have to steal a baby from his moms because they lost one today and didnt want to take the one I hatched in. So I feel like a horrible person but I only ended up with 2 out to the 15+ they had. Hoping my flock of ducks will all calm down once they do.
Just wanted to say thanks again! Our new little duckling is doing great and is so cute hubby said I can keep it in house brooder lol. I did have to steal a baby from his moms because they lost one today and didnt want to take the one I hatched in. So I feel like a horrible person but I only ended up with 2 out to the 15+ they had. Hoping my flock of ducks will all calm down once they do.
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Awww!!! :love

Don't feel too bad, they're better off growing up with a buddy than each alone...
I checked under my broody hen this morning, she had 2 eggs left and one hatched but the other is like this:

crushed chick.jpg

She's crushed two other eggs by accident in this clutch (and killed the babies) so I really don't want to give this one back, but I'm kind of at a loss. I made the hole so it could breathe and it's been breathing, moving a little, chirping occasionally. It looks shrink-wrapped to me, even down where the eggshell is the membrane has peeled away from the egg and looks dry. When I wet the membrane with a q-tip, it's clear pink with no large blood vessels. Today is Saturday, most of this clutch hatched Tuesday.

Suggestions? Should I help it out, or if not what should I do to enable it to hatch?
How long would you wait to assist a duckling out of its egg? I have one that hasn't progressed beyond a small hole for over 30 hours. The membrane looks pretty brown and dry. The other four ducklings have all hatched already and most of them pipped later than this duckling.
How long would you wait to assist a duckling out of its egg? I have one that hasn't progressed beyond a small hole for over 30 hours. The membrane looks pretty brown and dry. The other four ducklings have all hatched already and most of them pipped later than this duckling.
I would start making the hole a little bigger. Don't rush it out the egg though just do bit by bit and as soon as you see blood or veins then put it back in. Is it making a yawning motion?

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