Hanging Poultry?

It's chilled first in an ice bath for only about an hour... this mainly is used to get the temperature down fast to deter bacteria growth.

After the carcass cools, it is placed into a fridge or walk in cooler and "aged" for 2-3 days. This allows the muscles to relax and "settle down". The muscle is still "alive" after it is dead, I'm not sure the exact words to describe it but have you ever noticed after killing a bird the muscles will sometimes twitch like being electricuted.... even about 5 minutes after they die. Well this still happens hours after death inside the meat, it starts to taper at about 4 hours.

The reason for this is that when an animal is killed there is still a significant amount of chemical energy in muscle cells. If the meat is immediately cut, cooked, or frozen, the muscles are stimulated and contract similar to what happens with a nerve impulse.

So in reality you only need to age for about 8 hours to let the muscles relax but, up until that point the muscles are tight.... think of it like stretching out a bungie cord.... The muscles are like that... when they "age" this allows those muscles to relax and go limp (tender). It's a process called cell muscle energy depletion.

You don't want to cook or freeze a bird until it has had at least 8 hours of "relax" or "aging" time.... otherwise the meat will be tough. It's hard to understand, I don't know if I explained it good enough.... Sorry if I confused you more than I helped you.
Jeff, wonderful reply, you did not further confuse me and thank you for the time taken here. I have done some research on my own today and got into a really good site on poultry rigor mortis. If you, or anyone are interested this is the link to the site, below. Look at the section that talks about tenderness. It speaks more deeply into the whys and wherefors. Have a great day.


Jeff, by the way, very nice web site, I perused it deeply
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Jeff, I thought your explanation was quite clear. I was also impressed with your website. I actually sent an e-mail inquiring about your raw dog foods...
Great info in this thread! Are you suppose to let ALL breeds of chickens age for 2-3 days or after cleaning? Even Jumbo Cornish X?
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