Happily raising chickens and turkeys


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 14, 2014
Atchison, Ks
My name is Andrea and I have browsed this site numerous times when buying my first chicks last year. Now a year and a half later, I have a thriving group of beautiful hens and turkeys. I have had good times and bad times (when they get out and the dogs get them). I figured out quickly to clip wings early.

I have enjoyed the eggs and the meat (I have eliminated the roosters). I am now wanting to have chicks on my own and am wanting to keep a hen and tom turkeys to see if they mate and have babies. I am also thinking about doing that with the hens but have two different varieties and do not want to cross-breed. I would like more information on anyone that is breeding their own and having the hens hatch naturally. I am not sure if I want to get into the incubation thing. Any assistance is appreciated.
I appreciate all of the links. I love the forums of people that actually have the trials and tribulations associated with raising poultry. Above and beyond everything, I just want happy and healthy chickens and turkeys.
Welcome to BYC, Andrea! Glad you decided to join our flock. A lot of us were lurkers before joining. I think you were wise to eliminate the roosters. Roosters can be very hard on hens physically; over-breeding them, injuring them with their beaks and spurs, and battering them. I currently have 25 hens, no roosters, and I get loads of eggs without feeding any non-egg laying mouths, without the aggression, fights, crowing in the middle of the night, injuries, and over-bred and battered hens that frequently goes along with having roosters (especially too many). I'm a chicken person and don't know much about turkeys (never had any), but if you need to, don't hesitate to contact the experts in our turkey section. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. What kind of chickens do you have?
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

This is the place to be for all the learning and fun! Definitely stop by our learning center for lots of good articles on all the aspects of keeping poultry. There are several articles there as well on broodies raising chicks and keeping your flock happy and healthy.

So glad you could join our community!
here are my original seven. They are always up for a photo op. They are called Red producers and live up to their name. Very cold hearty girls and if they feel like it, pretty social.

here are my original seven. They are always up for a photo op. They are called Red producers and live up to their name. Very cold hearty girls and if they feel like it, pretty social.

You have a great laying mix. The four reddish ones with white tail feathers are Red Sex Link hens, which are egg laying machines, and the two reddish ones with black tail feathers are Production Reds, which are excellent layers. I can't see if the black one in back has some reddish or copper colored feathers around the neck area or if she's solid black (I couldn't get the pic to blow up enough to tell). If she has reddish or copper colored feathers around the neck area, she's a Black Sex Link, which are egg laying machines. If she is solid black, she is a Black Australorp, which is another excellent layer. You will get loads of eggs from these seven. Good luck with your flock.

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