Happy Birthday Frindizzle!!!

Well, it IS almost tomorrow and Turkenstein25 went to all the trouble of notifying us, so....

HAPPY BIRTHDAY (tomorrow)!!!

Now where did that cake go?
To Frin:


Happy Birthday!!!!!!!
That's so cool you both are on here! Wonder if anyone else around here is related to another member?
Guess having a relative as another BYC member would prevent any family secrets from being spilled all over the internet, lol.

I only have 1 sib, my brother, and his only interest in my chickens is wondering when we are going to eat them. Of course, he wanted to know that about our goats and rabbits too. That's my bro...always looking for the next meal.
Guess having a relative as another BYC member would prevent any family secrets from being spilled all over the internet, lol.

I only have 1 sib, my brother, and his only interest in my chickens is wondering when we are going to eat them. Of course, he wanted to know that about our goats and rabbits too. That's my bro...always looking for the next meal.
He's got a hollow leg! Lol

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